# Falkon Python Tutorial - 2. Basic extension ## File structure Each extension has to contain: * metadata.desktop * \__init__.py Anything else depend on the creator. ## metadata.desktop This file contain information which are displayed in Falkon settings and some configuration. ### Example file ```ini [Desktop Entry] Name=Example Python Comment=Example Python extension Icon= Type=Service X-Falkon-Type=Extension/Python X-Falkon-Author=David Rosca X-Falkon-Email=nowrep@gmail.com X-Falkon-Version=0.1.0 X-Falkon-Settings=false ``` #### Name Extension name shown in Falkon settings. #### Comment Extension description shown in Falkon settings. #### Icon Extension Icon shown in Falkon settings. Path to icon file or icon name from icon theme. #### Type Keep: `Service` I did not find a use of this field in code yet (maybe legacy ?). #### X-Falkon-Type Falkon Extension type. For Python extension use: `Extension/Python` #### X-Falkon-Author Author`s name shown in Falkon settings. #### X-Falkon-Email Author`s email shown in Falkon settings. #### X-Falkon-Version Extension version shown in Falkon settings. #### X-Falkon-Settings If extension has a setting dialog. Extension `Settings` button in Falkon preferences depends on this variable. Possible values: `true` or `false` ## \__init__.py Entry point to our program. This file will be called when extension is loaded. Some people consider leaving this file almost empty with only license and import line. I will leave the decision up to you. ### Example extension This code is from example extension from [store.falkon.org](https://store.falkon.org/p/1301043/). ```python import Falkon from PySide2 import QtCore class ExamplePython(Falkon.PluginInterface, QtCore.QObject): def init(self, state, settingsPath): print("Example Python") print("{} {}".format(state, settingsPath)) def unload(self): print("unload") def testPlugin(self): return True Falkon.registerPlugin(ExamplePython()) ``` The plugin / extension class inherits from `Falkon.PluginInterface`[1] and `QtCore.QObject`. The plugin class has to be registered with `Falkon.registerPlugin()`. ### Methods used #### init() Called when extension is loaded. * **state**: possible values * **PyFalkon.PluginInterface.InitState.StartupInitState** Normal init state during Falkon start, nothing to do for us. * **Falkon.PluginInterface.LateInitState** The extension was loaded long after Falkon started. In this case we need to manually call functions which would normally be called during the start. The exact case will be shown in one of the next chapters. * **settingsPath**: Contains path to extension setting directory #### unload() Called when the plugin is uloading by being disabled in settings or when Falkon is closing. #### testPlugin() Method to check if plugin is compatible with current Falkon version. Return `True` if is and `False` if not. [1]: https://github.com/KDE/falkon/blob/master/src/lib/plugins/plugininterface.h