# Falkon Python Tutorial - 4. Adding entry to the extension menu Hello, in this chapter I will show you how to add an entry to the extension menu. The extension menu is located at `Tools`: `Extensions`. ![Extension menu](../images/py_tutorial4/ExtensionMenu.png) In this example extension you will see popup [message box](https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/PySide2/QtWidgets/QMessageBox.html) with 'Tutorial 4 - Message from extension menu' after you click on the menu entry. ![Extension menu](../images/py_tutorial4/MessageBox.png) To add an entry to extension menu the `populateExtensionsMenu(self, menu)` method has to be implemented in plugin class. The reason can be found in the [source code](https://github.com/KDE/falkon/blob/master/src/lib/plugins/plugininterface.h) The parameter menu is the menu into which the new entry / action will be added. ```python def populateExtensionsMenu(self, menu): action = Falkon.Action( "Tutorial 4 - Extension menu entry", menu ) action.triggered.connect(self.onExtensionMenuTriggered) menu.addAction(action) def onExtensionMenuTriggered(self): msgBox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText('Tutorial 4 - Message from extension menu') msgBox.exec_() ``` The full code can be found at [extensions/Tutorial4](../extensions/py_tutorial4) **Note:** Always create an instance of Action in `populateExtensionsMenu`. It will be deleted / destroyed when the menu is hidden. Do **not** try to add keyboard shortcut to the action used to construct the menu, it will not work properly.