318 lines
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318 lines
10 KiB
import org.kde.falkon 1.0 as Falkon
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import QtQuick 2.3
Falkon.PluginInterface {
QtObject {
id: g_readability
property string script
QtObject {
id: g_config
property string icon
property bool contextMenu
property string colorTheme
property string font
property int fontSize
QtObject {
id: g_jsObject
signal configChanged()
signal setColorTheme(string colorTheme)
signal setFont(string colorTheme)
signal setFontSize(string colorTheme)
function setColorTheme(colorTheme) {
var themes = ["light", "sepia", "dark"]
if (!themes.includes(colorTheme)) {
if (g_config.colorTheme != colorTheme) {
g_config.colorTheme = colorTheme
function setFont(font) {
var fonts = ["sans-serif", "serif"]
if (!fonts.includes(font)) {
if (g_config.font != font) {
g_config.font = font
function setFontSize(fontSize) {
if (fontSize < 1 && fontSize > 9) {
if (g_config.fontSize != fontSize) {
g_config.fontSize = fontSize
init: function(state, settingsPath) {
g_config.icon = "dark"
g_config.contextMenu = true
g_config.colorTheme = "sepia"
g_config.font = "sans-serif"
g_config.fontSize = 5
id: 'readability',
object: g_jsObject
testPlugin: function() {
return true
unload: function() {
Falkon.Settings {
id: settings
name: 'Readability'
function findCurrentTab() {
var window = Falkon.Windows.getCurrent()
for (var i = 0; i < window.tabs.length; ++i) {
if (window.tabs[i].current) {
return window.tabs[i]
function makeReadability() {
if (g_readability.script.length == 0) {
var scriptReadability = Falkon.FileUtils.readAllFileContents("data/Readability.js")
var scriptToolbar = Falkon.FileUtils.readAllFileContents("data/Toolbar.js")
var style = Falkon.FileUtils.readAllFileContents("data/style.css").toString().replace(/[\n\r]/g, '')
var scriptCall = Falkon.FileUtils.readAllFileContents("data/Call.js").toString()
scriptCall = scriptCall.replace("{readability.js}", scriptReadability)
scriptCall = scriptCall.replace("{toolbar.js}", scriptToolbar)
scriptCall = scriptCall.replace("{style.css}", style)
g_readability.script = scriptCall
var initConfigScript = "initConfig('" + g_config.colorTheme + "', '" + g_config.font + "', " + g_config.fontSize + ");"
var currentTab = findCurrentTab()
currentTab.execJavaScript(g_readability.script + initConfigScript)
function loadSettings() {
g_config.icon = settings.value({key: 'icon', defaultValue: g_config.icon})
g_config.contextMenu = settings.value({key: 'showInContextMenu', defaultValue: g_config.contextMenu})
g_config.colorTheme = settings.value({key: 'colorTheme', defaultValue: g_config.colorTheme})
g_config.font = settings.value({key: 'font', defaultValue: g_config.font})
g_config.fontSize = settings.value({key: 'fontSize', defaultValue: g_config.fontSize})
function saveSettings() {
settings.setValue({key: 'icon', value: g_config.icon})
settings.setValue({key: 'showInContextMenu', value: g_config.contextMenu})
settings.setValue({key: 'colorTheme', value: g_config.colorTheme})
settings.setValue({key: 'font', value: g_config.font})
settings.setValue({key: 'fontSize', value: g_config.fontSize})
if (!settings.sync()) {
console.log("Unable to store the settings!")
return false
return true
function currentIcon() {
if (g_config.icon == 'light') {
return 'data/icon-light.png'
else {
return 'data/icon-dark.png'
populateWebViewMenu: function(menu, webHitTestResult) {
if (g_config.contextMenu) {
var action = menu.addAction({
text: i18n('Launch Readability'),
icon: currentIcon()
action.triggered.connect(function() {
Falkon.BrowserAction {
name: i18n('Readability')
identity: 'readability-id'
title: i18n('Readimport QtQuick.Window 2.2ability')
toolTip: i18n('Launch Readability')
icon: currentIcon()
location: Falkon.BrowserAction.NavigationToolBar | Falkon.BrowserAction.StatusBar
onClicked: makeReadability()
popup: Pane {
id: mainPane
ColumnLayout {
Label {
id: infoLabel
text: i18n("Trying to convert the page for easier reading.")
settingsWindow: Pane {
ColumnLayout {
RowLayout {
GroupBox {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
ColumnLayout {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
Label {
text: i18n('Menu icon')
RadioButton {
id: radioIconLight
text: i18n('Light')
checked: g_config.icon == 'light'
RadioButton {
id: radioIconDark
text: i18n('Dark')
checked: g_config.icon == 'dark'
GroupBox {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
ColumnLayout {
Label {
text: i18n('Color Scheme')
RadioButton {
id: radioColorThemeLight
text: i18n('Light')
checked: g_config.colorTheme == 'light'
RadioButton {
id: radioColorThemeSepia
text: i18n('Sepia')
checked: g_config.colorTheme == 'sepia'
RadioButton {
id: radioColorThemeDark
text: i18n('Dark')
checked: g_config.colorTheme == 'dark'
GroupBox {
Layout.fillWidth: true
ColumnLayout {
Label {
text: i18n('Font')
RadioButton {
id: radioFontSansSerif
text: i18n('Sans-Serif')
checked: g_config.font == 'sans-serif'
RadioButton {
id: radioFontSerif
text: i18n('Serif')
checked: g_config.font == 'serif'
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Label {
text: i18n('Font size')
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
Layout.fillWidth: true
ComboBox {
id: comboBoxFontSize
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
currentIndex: g_config.fontSize
model: ListModel {
id: model
ListElement { text: "10 px" }
ListElement { text: "12 px" }
ListElement { text: "14 px" }
ListElement { text: "16 px" }
ListElement { text: "18 px" }
ListElement { text: "20 px" }
ListElement { text: "22 px" }
ListElement { text: "24 px" }
ListElement { text: "26 px" }
CheckBox {
id: checkboxContextMenu
checked: g_config.contextMenu
text: i18n('Show in context menu')
Layout.fillWidth: true;
Button {
id: button
text: i18n('Save')
hoverEnabled: true
Layout.fillWidth: true;
onClicked: function() {
function selectedColorTheme() {
if (radioColorThemeLight.checked) {return "light"}
if (radioColorThemeSepia.checked) {return "sepia"}
if (radioColorThemeDark.checked) {return "dark"}
return "dark"
g_config.icon = radioIconLight.checked ? "light" : "dark"
g_config.contextMenu = checkboxContextMenu.checkState == Qt.Checked
g_config.colorTheme = selectedColorTheme()
g_config.font = radioFontSansSerif.checked ? "sans-serif" : "serif"
g_config.fontSize = comboBoxFontSize.currentIndex
if (saveSettings()) {
button.text = i18n('Saved!')
} else {
button.text = i18n('Error occurred, try again!')