/* ============================================================ * QupZilla - WebKit based browser * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 David Rosca * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * ============================================================ */ #include "commandlineoptions.h" #include "qupzilla.h" #include #include CommandLineOptions::CommandLineOptions(int &argc) : m_argc(argc) { parseActions(); } CommandLineOptions::ActionPairList CommandLineOptions::getActions() { return m_actions; } void CommandLineOptions::showHelp() { using namespace std; const char* help = " Usage: qupzilla [options] URL \n" "\n" " QupZilla options:\n" " -h or --help print this message \n" " -a or --authors print QupZilla authors \n" " -v or --version print QupZilla version \n" "\n" " -p=PROFILE or --profile=PROFILE start with specified profile \n" " -ne or --no-extensions start without extensions\n" "\n" " Options to control running QupZilla:\n" " -nt or --new-tab open new tab\n" " -nw or --new-window open new window\n" " -pb or --private-browsing start private browsing\n" " -dm or --download-manager show download manager\n" " -nr or --no-remote open new instance\n" " -ct=URL or --current-tab=URL open URL in current tab\n" " -ow=URL or --open-window=URL open URL in new window\n" "\n" " QupZilla is a new, fast and secure web browser\n" " based on WebKit core (http://webkit.org) and\n" " written in Qt Framework (http://qt.nokia.com) \n\n" " For more information please visit wiki at \n" " https://github.com/QupZilla/qupzilla/wiki \n"; cout << help << " > " << QupZilla::WWWADDRESS.toUtf8().data() << endl; } void CommandLineOptions::parseActions() { using namespace std; const QStringList arguments = QCoreApplication::arguments(); if (arguments.isEmpty()) { return; } // Skip first argument (it should be program itself) for (int i = 1; i < arguments.count(); ++i) { QString arg = arguments.at(i); if (arg == QLatin1String("-h") || arg == QLatin1String("--help")) { showHelp(); ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_ExitAction; m_actions.append(pair); break; } if (arg == QLatin1String("-a") || arg == QLatin1String("--authors")) { cout << "QupZilla authors: " << endl; cout << " David Rosca " << endl; ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_ExitAction; m_actions.append(pair); break; } if (arg == QLatin1String("-v") || arg == QLatin1String("--version")) { cout << "QupZilla v" << QupZilla::VERSION.toUtf8().data() #ifdef GIT_REVISION << " rev " << GIT_REVISION << " " #endif << "(build " << QupZilla::BUILDTIME.toUtf8().data() << ")" << endl; ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_ExitAction; m_actions.append(pair); break; } if (arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("-p=")) || arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("--profile="))) { int index = arg.indexOf(QLatin1Char('=')); if (index != -1) { const QString profileName = arg.mid(index + 1); cout << "QupZilla: Starting with profile '" << profileName.toUtf8().data() << "'" << endl; ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_StartWithProfile; pair.text = profileName; m_actions.append(pair); } } if (arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("-ne")) || arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("--no-extensions"))) { ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_StartWithoutAddons; m_actions.append(pair); } if (arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("-nt")) || arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("--new-tab"))) { ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_NewTab; m_actions.append(pair); } if (arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("-nw")) || arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("--new-window"))) { ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_NewWindow; m_actions.append(pair); } if (arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("-dm")) || arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("--download-manager"))) { ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_ShowDownloadManager; m_actions.append(pair); } if (arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("-pb")) || arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("--private-browsing"))) { ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_StartPrivateBrowsing; m_actions.append(pair); } if (arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("-nr")) || arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("--no-remote"))) { ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_StartNewInstance; m_actions.append(pair); } if (arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("-ct")) || arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("--current-tab"))) { int index = arg.indexOf(QLatin1Char('=')); if (index != -1) { ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_OpenUrlInCurrentTab; pair.text = arg.mid(index + 1); m_actions.append(pair); } } if (arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("-ow")) || arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("--open-window"))) { int index = arg.indexOf(QLatin1Char('=')); if (index != -1) { ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_OpenUrlInNewWindow; pair.text = arg.mid(index + 1); m_actions.append(pair); } } } QString url = arguments.last(); QFileInfo fileInfo(url); if (fileInfo.exists()) { url = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath(); } if (m_argc > 1 && !url.isEmpty() && !url.startsWith(QLatin1Char('-')) && (url.contains(QLatin1Char('.')) || url.contains(QLatin1Char('/')) || url.contains(QLatin1Char('\\')))) { ActionPair pair; pair.action = Qz::CL_OpenUrl; pair.text = url; m_actions.append(pair); } }