version: 2.1.99.{build}-{branch} shallow_clone: true cache: - windows/dependencies build: parallel: true verbosity: detailed configuration: - release # - debug branches: except: - v1.4 - v1.6 - v1.8 environment: global: QZ_VER: 2.1.99 VSVER: 14 ARCH: x86 QMAKESPEC: win32-msvc MAKETOOL: jom TOOLSDIR: C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator matrix: - QTDIR: C:\Qt\5.9\msvc2015 - QTDIR: C:\Qt\5.8\msvc2015 QMAKESPEC: win32-msvc2015 - ARCH: x64 QTDIR: C:\Qt\5.9\msvc2015_64 - PORTABLE_BUILD: "true" QTDIR: C:\Qt\5.9\msvc2015 install: - set QZ_DIR=%CD% - set CPU=32 - IF /I "%ARCH%" == "x64" (set CPU=64) - set OPENSSL_DIR="C:\OpenSSL-Win%CPU%" - set ICU_DIR_NAME=icu4c-54_1-Win%CPU%-msvc10 - set ICU_DOWNLOAD_URL="" - call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio "%VSVER%".0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %ARCH% - set PATH=%QTDIR%\bin;%TOOLSDIR%\bin;%OPENSSL_DIR%\bin;%CD%\bin;%PATH% build_script: - echo "QupZilla BUILD %APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION%_%QMAKESPEC%_%CONFIGURATION%_%ARCH%" - qmake -v - qmake CONFIG+=%CONFIGURATION% INCLUDEPATH+="%OPENSSL_DIR%\include" LIBS+=-L%OPENSSL_DIR%\lib - call %MAKETOOL% test_script: - cd %QZ_DIR%\tests\autotests - qmake CONFIG+=%CONFIGURATION% INCLUDEPATH+="%OPENSSL_DIR%\include" LIBS+=-L%OPENSSL_DIR%\lib - call %MAKETOOL% - call %CONFIGURATION%\autotests.exe after_build: # prepare dependencies - echo [Paths] > %QZ_DIR%\bin\qt.conf && echo Plugins="." >> %QZ_DIR%\bin\qt.conf - copy %QZ_DIR%\COPYRIGHT %QZ_DIR%\bin\COPYRIGHT.txt - cd %QZ_DIR%\windows - IF NOT EXIST "dependencies" ( mkdir dependencies ) - cd dependencies - IF NOT EXIST "" ( appveyor DownloadFile %ICU_DOWNLOAD_URL% ) else ( echo "Use cached") # see: - ps: If (![System.IO.File]::Exists("$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\windows\dependencies\KillProcDll&")) { (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\windows\dependencies\KillProcDll&") } ELse { echo "Use cached KillProcDll&" } - IF NOT EXIST "" ( appveyor DownloadFile "" ) else (echo "Use cached") - IF NOT EXIST "" ( appveyor DownloadFile "" ) else (echo "Use cached") - IF NOT EXIST "" ( appveyor DownloadFile "" ) else (echo "Use cached") - IF NOT EXIST "master.tar.gz" ( appveyor DownloadFile "" ) else (echo "Use cached master.tar.gz") - mkdir ..\wininstall - cd ..\wininstall - copy ..\*.nsh .\ - copy ..\*.ico .\ - copy ..\*.bmp .\ # prepare nsis plugins - 7z x "..\dependencies\KillProcDll&" - 7z x ..\dependencies\ - 7z x ..\dependencies\ - 7z x ..\dependencies\ - copy Desktop\Plugin\*.dll .\ - copy Plugins\Unicode\*.dll .\ - copy Include\*.nsh %QZ_DIR%\windows # prepare icu - 7z x "..\dependencies\" # prepare qtwebengine_dictionaries - mkdir qtwebengine_dictionaries - cd qtwebengine_dictionaries - IF /I "%APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG%" == "true" ( 7z x "%QZ_DIR%\windows\dependencies\master.tar.gz" && 7z x "master.tar" && mkdir "doc" && move README* "doc\" && move COPYING* "doc\" ) - cd %QZ_DIR%\windows # set paths - set OPENSSL_BIN_DIR="%OPENSSL_DIR%\bin" - set MSVC_REDIST_DIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio "%VSVER%".0\VC\redist\%ARCH%\Microsoft.VC%VSVER%0.CRT" - set ICU_BIN_DIR="%QZ_DIR%\windows\wininstall\icu\bin" - IF /I "%ARCH%" == "x64" (set INSTALLER_VERSION="%QZ_VER% x64" && set ICU_BIN_DIR="%QZ_DIR%\windows\wininstall\icu\bin64") else (set INSTALLER_VERSION="%QZ_VER%") - set QTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_DIR="%QZ_DIR%\windows\wininstall\qtwebengine_dictionaries" # make installer - IF /I "%APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG%" == "true" ( IF /I "%PORTABLE_BUILD%" == "true" ( call "C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\makensis.exe" /X"Unicode true" /DCUSTOM=1 /DPORTABLE=1 /DVERSION="%QZ_VER% Portable" /DARCH=%ARCH% /DMSVC_VER=%VSVER%0 /DOPENSSL_BIN_DIR=%OPENSSL_BIN_DIR% /DMSVC_REDIST_DIR=%MSVC_REDIST_DIR% /DQZ_BIN_DIR=%QZ_DIR%\bin /DICU_BIN_DIR=%ICU_BIN_DIR% /DQT_DIR=%QTDIR% /DQT_BIN_DIR=%QTDIR%\bin /DQT_PLUGINS_DIR=%QTDIR%\plugins /DQTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_DIR=%QTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_DIR% installer.nsi ) else ( call "C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\makensis.exe" /X"Unicode true" /DCUSTOM=1 /DVERSION=%INSTALLER_VERSION% /DARCH=%ARCH% /DMSVC_VER=%VSVER%0 /DOPENSSL_BIN_DIR=%OPENSSL_BIN_DIR% /DMSVC_REDIST_DIR=%MSVC_REDIST_DIR% /DQZ_BIN_DIR=%QZ_DIR%\bin /DICU_BIN_DIR=%ICU_BIN_DIR% /DQT_DIR=%QTDIR% /DQT_BIN_DIR=%QTDIR%\bin /DQT_PLUGINS_DIR=%QTDIR%\plugins /DQTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_DIR=%QTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_DIR% installer.nsi ) ) artifacts: - path: windows\QupZilla*Installer*.exe name: QupZilla Installer (%ARCH%) - path: bin\*.exe name: QupZilla Executable (%ARCH%) - path: bin\*.dll name: QupZilla DLL (%ARCH%) deploy: release: 'Version $(qz_ver)' tag: $(appveyor_repo_tag_name) # don't remove or modify tag field description: 'QupZilla $(qz_ver) Windows Installer Released' provider: GitHub auth_token: secure: BumEo5ic9KIrhc8RxwsKFd/L6WwC0s5LpSef9uH+PtUKICZBZAcyqnPewKUqzEFi # your encrypted token from GitHub artifact: /QupZilla.*Installer.*\.exe/ # QupZilla Installer draft: false prerelease: false on: appveyor_repo_tag: true # deploy on tag push only # notifications: # - provider: Email # to: # - # - # on_build_success: false # on_build_failure: false # on_build_status_changed: true # # remote desktop connection on init # init: # - ps: iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('')) # # remote desktop connection on finish and block build to not destroy VM # on_finish: # - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))