AboutDialog About QupZilla Okwanjula QupZilla Authors Abaagiwandika Authors and Contributors Abaagiwandika N'abalala Abaagikolako < About QupZilla < Okwanjula QupZilla <p><b>Application version %1</b><br/> <p><b>Luwandika lwa puloguramu %1</b><br/> <b>WebKit version %1</b></p> <b>Luwandika lwa WebKit %1</b></p> <small>Build time: %1 </small></p> <small>Oluwandika luno lwamalirizibwa nga: %1 </small></p> <p><b>Main developer:</b><br/>%1 &lt;%2&gt;</p> <p><b>Muwandisi omukulu:</b><br/>%1 &lt;%2&gt;</p> <p><b>Contributors:</b><br/>%1</p> <p><b>Abalala abaagikolako:</b><br/>%1</p> <p><b>Translators:</b><br/>%1</p> <p><b>Abaagivvuunula:</b><br/>%1</p> AcceptLanguage Preferred Languages Nnimi ze Wekubirira Add... Yongera ko... Remove Lugyemu Up Lwambuse Down Lusse Personal [%1] AdBlockAddSubscriptionDialog Add Subscription Nona Mateeka Title: Linnya: Address: Ndagiriro: Add new subscription to AdBlock: AdBlock gyongereko mateeka: AdBlockCustomList Custom Rules Mateeka Gago AdBlockDialog AdBlock Configuration Teekateeka AdBlock Enable AdBlock AdBlock Ekole Search... Noonya... Options Ebisoboka AdBlock AdBlock Use only essential part of EasyList (for performance reasons) Add Rule Kola Tteeka Remove Rule Gyawo Tteeka Add Subscription Nona Mateeka Remove Subscription Gyawo Mateeka Manone Update Subscriptions Tuukanisa Mateeka Manone Learn about writing rules... Yiga okuwandika mateeka... AdBlockIcon AdBlock lets you block unwanted content on web pages adBlock ogyeyambisa kubuutikira birango by'otowetaaga ku mpapula za ku yintaneti Blocked popup window Kadirisa akatutunuka akabuutikidwa AdBlock blocked unwanted popup window. AdBlock ebuutikide kadirisa akututunuka k'otowetaaga. AdBlock AdBlock Show AdBlock &Settings Kebera &Nteekateeka ya AdBlock Disable on %1 Eby'oku %1 ebikkirize Disable only on this page Ebya ku lupapula luno byo ebikkirize Blocked Popup Windows Budirisa obututunuka obubuutikidwa %1 with (%2) No content blocked Tewali bibuutikidwa Blocked URL (AdBlock Rule) - click to edit rule URL ebuutikidwa (ku tteeka lya AdBlock) - nyiga wano okulikyusamu AdBlockManager EasyList Do you want to add <b>%1</b> subscription? AdBlock Subscription Mateeka ga AdBlock Amanone AdBlockTreeWidget Add Rule Kola Tteeka Remove Rule Gyawo Tteeka Add Custom Rule Yiya Tteeka Eriryo Please write your rule here: Tteeka lyo liwandike wano: %1 (recently updated) AddAcceptLanguage Add Language Yongerako Lulimi Choose preferred language for web sites Londa lulimi mwosinga okwagala okusomera eby'oku yintaneti Personal definition: Wetegekere olutali mu lukalala: AesInterface Warning! Kulabula! Data has been encrypted with a newer version of QupZilla. Please install latest version of QupZilla. AutoFill Database (encrypted) Enter Master Password Permission is required, please enter Master Password: Warning! Kulabula! Entered password is wrong! This backend needs a master password to be set! QupZilla just switches to its default backend Database (plaintext) AutoFillManager Passwords are stored in: Change backend Backend options Passwords Byama Server Kompyuta ewereza Username Linnya lya akawunti Password Kyama Import/Export Nona/Fulumya Show Passwords Ebyama Birabike Edit Kyusamu Remove Gyamu Remove All Gyawo Lukalala Lwonna Exceptions Ebyawulemu Import Passwords from File... Nona byama okuva mu fayiro... Export Passwords to File... Sindika byama mu fayiro... Search Noonya Change backend... Change backend: Are you sure that you want to show all passwords? Okukasa oyagala ebyama byonna birabike Hide Passwords Ebyama bikisibwe Confirmation Kukakasa Are you sure to delete all passwords on your computer? Okukakasa oyagala ebyama byonna bigyibwe ku kompyuta? Edit password Ekyama kikyusemu Change password: Ekyama kikyusize ddala: Choose file... Londa fayiro... Cannot read file! Fayiro ennemye okusoma! Successfully imported Kikoledwa Error while importing! Okunona kuzzemu kiremya! Cannot write to file! Nnemedwa okuwandika mu fayiro! Successfully exported Kikoledwa AutoFillNotification Update Tuukanisa Remember Kijjukire Never For This Site Ekya Wano Tokijjukiranga Not Now Ssi Kakati on %1 for <b>%1</b> Do you want QupZilla to update saved password %1? QupZilla etuukanise ekyama ekiterekedwa n'ekipya %1? Do you want QupZilla to remember the password %1 %2? QupZilla ejjukire ekyama %1 %2? AutoFillWidget Login as: Choose username to login Londa akawunti ey'okuyingira BookmarkIcon Bookmark this Page Kwata Kifo Kino Edit this bookmark Kakwatakifo kano kayusemu BookmarksImportDialog Import Bookmarks Nona bukwatakifo <b>Import Bookmarks</b> <b>Nona Bukwatakifo</b> Internet Explorer Internet Explorer From File Okuva mu Fayiro Choose browser from which you want to import bookmarks: Londako kalambulanetti mwoyagala okunona bukwatakifo: <b>Note:</b> Currently, only import from Html File can import also bookmark folders. <b>Genderera:</b> Kakano fayiro zokka z'oyinza okulonda ng'ennono ya bukwatakifo, okugyako nga onona obusangibwa mu fayiro za HTML. Olwo osobola okulonda tterekero nga ye nnono ya bukwatakifo. Choose... Londa... Try to fetch icons for all bookmarks (may take a while) Egezeko okunona n'obufaananyi obugendera ku bukwatakifo buno (kiyinza kulwawo) Fetching icons, please wait... Nnona bufaananyi, ŋumiikirizako... Title Linnya Url Ndagiriro eya URL Next Ekiddako Cancel Sazamu <b>Importing from %1</b> <b>Nnona bukwatakifo okuva mu %1</b> Finish Maliriza Please press Finish to complete importing process. Nyiga ku kigambo Maliriza omulimu ogw'okunona gusobole okuggwa. Error! Kiremya! The file doesn't contain any bookmark. Fayiro temuli bukwatakifo. Choose directory... Londa tterekero... Choose file... Londa fayiro... Mozilla Firefox stores its bookmarks in <b>places.sqlite</b> SQLite database. This file is usually located in Mozilla Firefox obukwatakifo ebuterekera mu ggwanika lya data ery'ekika kya SQLite eyitibwa <b>placs.sqlite</b>. Fayiro eyo etera okusangibwa mu Please choose this file to begin importing bookmarks. Noonya fayiro gye wetaaga osobole okuyingiza bukwatakifo. Google Chrome stores its bookmarks in <b>Bookmarks</b> text file. This file is usually located in Google Chrome obukwatakifo ebuterekera mu fayiro ey'ebigambo eyitibwa <b>bookmarks</b>. Fayiro eyo etera okusangibwa mu Opera stores its bookmarks in <b>bookmarks.adr</b> text file. This file is usually located in Opera obukwatakifo ebuterekera mu fayiro ey'ebigambo eyitibwa <b>bookmarks.adr</b>. Fayiro eyo etera okusangibwa mu You can import bookmarks from any browser that supports HTML exporting. This file has usually these suffixes Obukwatakifo osobola okubunona mu kalambulanetti yonna emanyi okugabana ebyayo nga yeyambisa HTML. Fayiro erimu obukwatakifo erinnya lya yo litera okubako kamu ku bufundikira buno Internet Explorer stores its bookmarks in <b>Favorites</b> folder. This folder is usually located in Internet Explorer obukwatakifo ebuterekera mu tterekero eriyitibwa <b>Favorites</b>. Eryo litera okusangibwa mu Please choose this folder to begin importing bookmarks. Noonya tterekero lye wetaaga osobole okunona bukwatakifo. No Error Tewali Kiremya Unable to open file. Nnemedwa okubikkula fayiro. Cannot evaluate JSON code. Nnemedwa okuyungulula makulu mu JSON. File does not exist. Fayiro teriyo. Unable to open database. Is Firefox running? Nnemedwa okubikkula ggwanika lya data. Firefox yatandikidwa? Directory does not exist. Eryo tterekero teririyo. The directory does not contain any bookmarks. Tterekero teririmu bukwatakifo. BookmarksManager Bookmarks Bukwatakifo Add Folder Kolawo Tterekero Collapse All Byonna Birage Mu Bufunze Title Linnya Url Ndagiriro eya URL Expand All Byonna Birage Mu Bujjuvu Import and Export Import Bookmarks... Export Bookmarks to HTML... Export to HTML... Add new folder Kolawo tterekero ppya Choose parent folder for new folder: Londa tterekero mwe ligenda: Choose name for new bookmark folder: Tuuma tterekero lya bukwatakifo erikoledwa: Add new subfolder Kolawo tterekero munda mu linnaalyo Choose name for new subfolder in bookmarks toolbar: Tterekero ppya ery'oku lubaawo ery'obukwatakifo lituume: Rename Folder Tterekero Likyuse Linnya Choose name for folder: Tterekero lituume: Add Subfolder Kola Tterekero Mu Linnaaryo Rename folder Tterekero likyuse linnya Remove folder Gyawo tterekero Open link in current &tab Ekifo kibikkulire mu ka&timbe kano Open link in &new tab Ekifo kibikkulire mu katimbe &kapya Move bookmark to &folder Akakwatakifo kateeke mu &tterekero Change icon Kyusa kafaananyi Rename bookmark Akakwatakifo kakyuse linnya Remove bookmark Gyawo kakwatakifo <b>Warning: </b>You already have bookmarked this page! <b>Kujjukiza:</b>Ekifo kino wakikwata! Choose name and location of this bookmark. Akakwatakifo kano kutuume olonde ne gyekaba katerekebwa. Add New Bookmark Kolawo kakwatakifo Choose folder for bookmarks: Obukwatakifo bulondere tterekero: Bookmark All Tabs Buli katimbe ebikaliko bikolere bukwatakifo BookmarksModel Bookmarks In Menu Obukwatakifo obuli mu Menyu Bookmarks In ToolBar Obukwatakifo obuli mu lubaawo lw'ebiyamba Unsorted Bookmarks Obukwatakifo obutali busengeke BookmarksSideBar Search... Noonya... Collapse All Expand All Open link in current &tab Ekifo kibikkulire mu ka&timbe kano Open link in &new tab Ekifo kibikkulire mu katimbe &kapya Copy address Ndagiriro gikoppe &Delete &Gyawo BookmarksToolbar &Bookmark Current Page &Olupapula luno lukolere kakwatakifo Bookmark &All Tabs Buli katimbe &ebikaliko bikolere bukwatakifo &Organize Bookmarks Obukwatakifo bu&sengeke Show Most &Visited Laga ebifo ebisinze ku&jjumbirwa Show Only Icons Laga bufaananyi bwokka &Hide Toolbar &Lubaawo lw'obukwatakifo lukisibwe Open bookmark Bikkula kakwatakifo Open bookmark in new tab Kakwatakifo kabikkulire mu katimbe kapya Move right Zza ku ddyo Move left Zza ku kkono Edit bookmark Akakwatakifo kakyusemu Remove bookmark Gyawo kakwatakifo Edit bookmark: Kyusamu kakwatakifo: Title: Linnya: Url: Ndagiriro ya URL: Edit Bookmark Kyusamu Kakwatakifo Most visited Awasinze kujjumbirwa Sites you visited the most Ebifo by'osinze okujjumbira Empty Wereere BookmarksTree Bookmarks Bukwatakifo New Folder... Tterekero Ppya... BookmarksWidget Add to Speed Dial Teeka mu Tuukirawo Add to bookmarks Remove from Speed Dial Gya mu Tuukirawo Remove from Bookmarks BrowsingLibrary Library Kuŋaanizo Search... Noonya... History Ebirabidwa Bookmarks Bukwatakifo RSS RSS CertificateInfoWidget <b>Issued To</b> <b>Eweredwa</b> Common Name (CN): Linnya lya Bulijjo (CN): Organization (O): Kitongole (O): Organizational Unit (OU): Ttabi lya Kitongole (OU): Serial Number: Namba ya Mmatizo: <b>Issued By</b> <b>Eva Wa</b> <b>Validity</b> <b>Ebbanga ly'ekolera</b> Issued On: Yagabwa nga: Expires On: Ekoma nga: ClearPrivateData Clear Recent History Gyawo ebyakalabibwa Earlier Today Week Month All Clear local storage Gyawo puloguramu eno by'eterese ku kompyuta eno Clear cookies Gyawo bujjukiza Choose what you want to delete: Londamu by'oyagala okugyawo: Clear icons Gyawo bufaananyi obuterekedwa Clear cache Gywao ebiri mu gwanika zzibizi Clear web databases Gyawo ebiri mu mawanika ga data <b>Clear Recent History</b> <b>Gyawo ebyakalabibwa</b> Clear history Gyawo ebirabidwa Optimize database Clear Private Data Are you sure to clear selected private data? Database Optimized Database successfully optimized.<br/><br/><b>Database Size Before: </b>%1<br/><b>Database Size After: </b>%2 ClickToFlash Object blocked by ClickToFlash Waliwo ClickToFlash ky'ebuutikidde Show more information about object Ndaga ebifa ku kibuutikidwa Delete object Ekibuutikidwa kigyibwewo Add %1 to whitelist %1 giteeke ku lukalala lw'ebikkirizibwa Flash Object Puloguramu ekozesa Fulasi <b>Attribute Name</b> <b>Value</b> No more information available. CookieManager Cookies Bujjukiza Stored Cookies Obujjukiza Obusigazidwa Find: Noonya: These cookies are stored on your computer: Obujjukiza buno busigazidwa ku kompyuta yo: Server Kompyuta ewereza Cookie name Linnya lya kajjukiza Name: Linnya: Value: Kye kakongojja: Server: Kompyuta ewereza: Path: Obusangiro: Secure: Obumizi: Expiration: Ka kwegyawo nga: <cookie not selected> <tonnalonda kajjukiza> Remove all cookies Gyawo obujjukiza bwonna Remove cookies Gyawo bujjukiza Cookie Filtering Kusunsula Bujjukiza <b>Cookie whitelist</b> <b>Lukalala lwa bujjukiza obwesigibwa</b> Cookies from these servers will ALWAYS be accepted (even if you have disabled saving cookies) Obujjukiza obusibuka ku kompyuta zino zijjanga okukkirizibwa (ne bw'obanga otegese nti QupZilla tesigaza bujjukiza) Add Yongerako Remove Gyawo <b>Cookie blacklist</b> <b>Lukalala lwa bujjukiza obutakkirizibwa</b> Cookies from these servers will NEVER be accepted Obujjukiza obusibuka ku kompyuta zino tezijjanga kukkizibwa Settings Nteekateeka <b>Cookie Settings</b> <b>Ebikwata ku bujjukiza</b> Allow storing of cookies Obujjukiza bukkirize okusigala ku kompyuta Delete cookies on close QupZilla bw'ogimala egyewo obujjukiza Match domain exactly Gaana obujjukiza obutava ku kompyuta eziri mu lukalala lw'ezesigibwa Filter tracking cookies Sunsulamu obujjukiza bwe b'eyambisa okulondoola by'olaba ku yintaneti <b>Warning:</b> Match domain exactly and filter tracking cookies options can lead to deny some cookies from sites. If you have problems with cookies, try to disable these options first! Search Noonya Confirmation Kukakasa Are you sure to delete all cookies on your computer? Okakasa oyagala obujjukiza bwonna kubugyawo? Secure only Kakozesa mikutu mimizi gyokka All connections Kakozesa mikutu gya ngeri zonna Session cookie Kajjukiza ka lukyala Remove cookie Gyawo kajjukiza Add to whitelist Teeka ku lukalala lw'ebyesigibwa Add to blacklist Teeka ku lukalala lw'ebitakkirizibwa DownloadFileHelper Save file as... Fayiro gitereke wano... NoNameDownload Tewali Kiwanulwa DownloadItem Remaining time unavailable Obudde obusigaddewo tebutegeerese Error: Cannot write to file! Kiremya: Nnemdwa kuwandika mu fayiro! Done - %1 Kuwedde - %1 Cancelled Gusazidwamu few seconds busikondabusikonda %n seconds %n minutes %n hours Unknown speed Obwangu tebutegeerese kB/s kB/s MB/s MB/s GB/s GB/s Unknown size Obunene tebutegeerese %2 - unknown size (%3) %2 - obunene tebutegeerese (%3) Remaining %1 - %2 of %3 (%4) Ebuleyo %1 - %2 ku %3 (%4) Cancelled - %1 Gusazidwamu - %1 Delete file Gyawo fayiro Do you want to also delete dowloaded file? Fayiro ewanudwa nayo egyibwewo? Open File Bikkula Fayiro Open Folder Bikkula Tterekero Go to Download Page Genda awali ebiwanulwa Copy Download Link Kwata ndagiriro ey'ekiwanulwa Cancel downloading Okuwanula kusazemu Remove From List Error Kiremya Not found Tebizuuse Sorry, the file %1 was not found! Error: Kiremya: DownloadManager Download Manager Ekifuga Kuwanula Clear Yerula %1% of %2 files (%3) %4 remaining %1% ku fayiro %2 (%3) wasigadde %4 %1% - Download Manager Ekifuga Kuwanula - %1% Download Finished Okuwanula kuwedde All files have been successfully downloaded. Fayiro zonna ziwanudwa. Warning Kulabula Are you sure to quit? All uncompleted downloads will be cancelled! Okakasa oyagala okumala? Ebitannaggwa kuwanula byonna bijjakusazibwamu! DownloadOptionsDialog Opening Mbikkula which is a: nga: What should QupZilla do with this file? Fayiro eno QupZilla egikole ki? Open... Gibikkule... Save File Fayiro Gitereke Download with External Manager Wanuza puloguramu ndala from: okuva ku: Copy download link You have chosen to open Olonzewo okubikkula Opening %1 Mbikkula %1 Download link copied. EditSearchEngine Name: Linnya: Url: Ndagiriro ya URL: Shortcut: Okwanguya: Icon: Kafaananyi: Change... Kyusa... <b>Note: </b>%s in url or post data represent searched string Post Data: FileSchemeReply No Error Tewali Kiremya Up to higher level directory Genda mu tterekero lino mwe liri Show hidden files Fayiro nkise zirabike Name Linnya Size Bunene Last modified Lwe yasemba kukyusibwamu Index for %1 Folder is empty. Tterekero jjereere. FtpDownloader Cancelled! FtpSchemeReply Up to higher level directory Genda mu tterekero lino mwe liri Show hidden files Fayiro nkise zirabike Name Linnya Size Bunene Last modified Lwe yasemba okukyusibwamu Index for %1 Folder is empty. Tterekero jjereere. Unknown command Kiragiro tekitegeerese HTML5PermissionsDialog HTML5 Permissions Ndukusa za mu HTML5 Notifications Bubaka bwa puloguramu Site Nfo Behaviour Remove Gyawo Geolocation Eby'okumanyisa busangiro ku nsi Allow Kkiriza Deny Gaana HTML5PermissionsNotification Remember Jjukira Allow Kkiriza Deny Gaana this site nfo eno Allow %1 to show desktop notifications? %1 ekkirizibwe okuteekawo obubaka awakolerwawo? Allow %1 to locate your position? %1 ekkirizibwe okulaga w'oli ku nsi? History No Named Page Tewali Lupapula January Janwariyo February Febwariyo March Marisi April Apuli May Maayi June Juuni July Julayi August Agusito September Sebuttemba October Okitoba November Novemba December Desemba HistoryManager History Ebirabidwa Delete Gyawo Clear All History Yerula Lukalala Lw'ebirabidwa Confirmation Kukakasa Are you sure to delete all history? Okakasa nti oyagala okwerula lukalala lw'ebirabidwa? HistoryModel Title Linnya Address Ndagiriro Visit Date Lwelwalabwa Visit Count Mirundi Gye Lulabidwa Today Ebya Leero This Week Ebya Sabiiti Eno This Month Eya Mwezi Guno HistorySideBar Search... Noonya... HistoryView Open link in current tab Ekifo kibikkulire mu katimbe akaliwo Open link in new tab Ekifo kibikkulire mu katimbe kapya Copy title Erinnya likwate Copy address Ndagiriro gikwate Remove Gyawo IconChooser Choose icon... Londa kafaananyi... From file Okuva mu fayiro Image (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif) Kifaananyi (.png .jpg .jpeg .gif) Choose file... Londa fayiro... From database Okuva mu gwanika lya data Site Url: Ndagiriro kwe lisangibwa: Image files Fayiro z'ebifaananyi JsOptions JavaScript Options Nteekateeka ya JavaScript Allow JavaScript to: JavaScript esobole: Close windows Okuggala madirisa Open popup windows Okuteekawo obututunuka Change window size Okukyusa bunene bw'amadirisa Hide menu bar Okukisa lubaawo lwa menyu Hide status bar Okukisa lubaawo olulaga ebibumbujja Hide tool bar Okukisa lubaawo lw'ebiyamba Access clipboard Okukolera mu ggwanika lya kiseerabuseera LicenseViewer License Viewer LocationBar Enter URL address or search on %1 Paste And &Go Paatiika Onoonyezewo Clear All .co.uk Append domain name on ALT + Enter = Should be different for every country Show information about this page Ndaga ebifa ku lupapula luno LocationCompleterView Switch to tab MainApplication QupZilla is not currently your default browser. Would you like to make it your default browser? Kakano QupZilla ssi ye kalambulanetti yo ya bulijjo. Wandiyagadde efuuke eya bulijjo? Always perform this check when starting QupZilla. Entegeka eno gikeberenga buli kutandika QupZilla. Default Browser Kalambulanetti ya Bulijjo QupZilla is a new, fast and secure open-source WWW browser. QupZilla is licensed under GPL version 3 or (at your option) any later version. It is based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. QupZilla kalambulanetti ey'omulembe eyanguya era nga mmizi, ekuuma byama byo, ate ekolebwa ku musingi gwa bbulabikugizo. QupZilla esaasaanyizibwa ku layisinsi eya GPL luwandika 3 oba olusingawo obugya (bw'obanga gy'oyagadde okukozesa ku by'ogikyusizaamu). Yesigamizidwa ku musingi gwa WebKit n'enzimba eya Qt. MasterPasswordDialog Encrypted DataBase Settings Set/Change Master Password... This backend does not work without a master password. Clear Master Password... This option clears the master password and moves all encrypted data to the "DataBase (Plain Text)" backend, and switches to it. The Master Password is used to protect site passwords and form data. If you set a Master Password you will be asked to enter it once per session. Current Password: New Password: Confirm Password: <b>Note:</b> The Master Password is not resettable. Do not forget it, please. Warning! You entered a wrong password! New/Confirm password fields do not match! Are you sure to clear master password and decrypt data? Some data has not been decrypted. The master password was not cleared! NavigationBar No Named Page Back Ddayo Forward Weyongereyo Home Awatandikirwa New Tab Katimbe Kapya Main Menu Menyu Ey'okuntikko Exit Fullscreen Koma kubuna lutimbe Clear history Yerula lukalala lw'ebirabidwa NetworkManager SSL Certificate Error! Kiremya ku mmatizo ya SSL The page you are trying to access has the following errors in the SSL certificate: Olupapula lw'ogezako okutuukako mmatizo ya lwo eya SSL eriko kiremya ono: <b>Organization: </b> <b>Kibiina: </b> <b>Domain Name: </b> <b>Linnya lya twale lya kayungirizi: </b> <b>Expiration Date: </b> <b>Eggwako nga: </b> <b>Error: </b> <b>Kiremya: </b> Would you like to make an exception for this certificate? Mmatizo eno wandyagadde okugittira mu liiso ekkirizibwe? Authorisation required Username: Linnya lya akawunti: Password: Kyama: Save username and password on this site Kkiriza nfo no okujjukira kyama kyo n'erinnya lyo erya akawunti A username and password are being requested by %1. The site says: "%2" %1 ekusaba kyama n'erinnya lya akawunti. Nfo egamba nti: "%2" FTP authorisation required Login anonymously Yingira nga at'eyanjudde A username and password are being requested by %1:%2. %1 ekusaba kyama n'erinnya lya akawunti: %2 Proxy authorisation required Remember username and password for this proxy. A username and password are being requested by proxy %1. Kompyuta masanganzira %1 ekusaba kyama n'erinnya lya akawunti. PageScreen Page Screen Kifaananyi Format: Location: Browse... Save as %1 Choose location... File '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? File already exists PluginsList Application Extensions Puloguramu ez'okwongera ku QupZilla Allow Application Extensions to be loaded Kkiriza kwongera puloguramu ku QupZilla Settings Nteekateeka WebKit Plugins Ebyongerwako bya WebKit <b>Click To Flash Plugin</b> <b>Ekyongerwako 'Click To Flash'</b> Click To Flash is a plugin which blocks auto loading of Flash content at page. You can always load it manually by clicking on the Flash play icon. 'Click To Flash' kapuloguramu ak'ongerwako akabuutikira puloguramu ezikozesa Fulasi ezisangibwa ku mpapula ezitalizimu. Puloguramu ekozesa Fulasi bw'oba oyagala ekole ekoona ku kabonero ka yo akagitandika. Whitelist Lukalala lw'ebikkirizibwa Add Yongerako Remove Gyawo Allow Click To Flash Kkiriza 'Click To Flash' PluginsManager Add site to whitelist Teeka nfo ku lukalala lw'ebikkirizibwa Server without http:// (ex. youtube.com) Linnya lya kompyuta nga tekuli http:// (okugeza youtube.com) Error! Kiremya! Cannot load extension! Nnemedwa okutandika kyongerwako! PopupWebView Inspect Element Kebera Buwandike Bw'ennono Bw'akatundu Kano PopupWindow File Fayiro &Save Page As... &Tereka Koppi ya Lupapula Luno Wano... Save Page Screen Lupapula Lukwate Kifaananyi Send Link... Ndagiriro eno baako b'ogisindikira... &Print... &Pulinta... Close Gala Edit Kyusamu &Undo &Julula &Redo &Zzawo &Cut &Situlawo C&opy K&oppa &Paste &Paatiika Select All Londa Byonna Find Noonya View Ndabika &Stop &Koma &Reload &Damu okubikkula Zoom &In Z&imbulukusa Zoom &Out K&endeeza Reset &Page Source &Bulambike obw'ennono obw'olupapula %1 - QupZilla %1 - QupZilla Preferences Preferences Nteekateeka General Bitalibimu Appearance Ndabika Tabs Butimbe Browsing Kulambula Intaneti Fonts Nkula Ya Nnukuta Keyboard Shortcuts Mapeesa Ag'anguya Mirimu Downloads Eby'okuwanula Password Manager Kutegeka Byama Privacy Kuuma Bibyo Notifications Bubaka Bwa Puloguramu Extensions Ebyongerwako Other Birala Use current Tegekawo Olulabika Kati Note: You cannot delete active profile. Genderera: Tosobola kugyawo mateeka agagobererwa kakano. Create New Kolawo Mapya Delete Gyawo <b>Launching</b> <b>Entandika</b> After launch: Nga yakatandika: Open blank page Tandikira ku lupapula lwereere Open homepage Tandikira ku lusookerwako Open speed dial Bikkula 'Tuukirawo' Restore session Tandikira ku byasemba kulabwa Homepage: Olusookerwako: On new tab: Bw'oggulawo katimbe kapya: Open blank tab Kabeere kereere Open other page... Kabikkule awalala... <b>Profiles</b> <b>Mateeka Agafuga QupZilla</b> Startup profile: Mateeka g'etandika nago: Check for updates on start Olutandika ekebere kulaba oba eriyo ntumbuzi Active profile: Mateeka g'egoberera kakano: In order to change language, you must restart browser. Okukyusa lulimi kyetaagisa kuddamu kutandika kalambulanetti eno. <b>Language</b> <b>Nnimi</b> Available translations: QupZilla esobola kukolera mu nnimi zino: Don't load tabs until selected Katimbe kapya omala ku kazza kungulu ebya mu ne biryoka bikimibwa Check to see if QupZilla is the default browser on startup QupZilla buli lw'etandika ekebere kulaba oba y'etegekedwa nga kalambulanetti eya bulijjo Check Now Kebera kakati Themes Ndyo z'endabika Advanced options Ebyetaagisa bumanyirivu <b>Browser Window</b> <b>Mu Ddirisa</b> Show StatusBar on start Olubaawo olulaga mbeera y'ebibumbujja lulabikirewo Show Bookmarks ToolBar on start Olubaawo lw'obukwatakifo lulabikirewo Show Navigation ToolBar on start Olubaawo olw'ebyokulambula lulabikirewo <b>Navigation ToolBar</b> <b>Lubaawo lwa Kulambula Intaneti</b> Show Home button Wabewo ppeesa erikuzza awatandikirwa Show Back / Forward buttons Wabwo mapeesa ag'okweyongerayo n'okudda mabega <b>Background<b/> <b>Bwaliriro<b/> Use transparent background Obwaliriro butangaale ng'ekirawuli Show web search bar Olubaawo olwanguya okunoonya lulabike Show Add Tab button Wabewo ppeesa ery'ongerawo butimbe Show Reload / Stop buttons Wabewo mapeesa agakomya n'agaddamu kubikkula lupapula Tabs behaviour Nneyisa ya butimbe Show tab previews Ekubbirengako ebiri mu butimbe obutalabika Make tab previews animated Okubbirako kusobole okubamu ebitambula Hide tabs when there is only one tab Katimbe bwe kabawo kamu kokka waleme kubawo kapande k'erinnnya lya ko Activate last tab when closing active tab Eky'okugyawo katimbe k'okebera kireetere katimbe akakaddako okubikkuka Open new tabs after active tab Open new empty tabs after active tab Always switch between tabs with mouse wheel Automatically switch to newly opened tab Katimbe kapya kaddenga kungulu Don't quit upon closing last tab QupZilla esigalewo ng'ogyewo butimbe bwonna Ask when closing multiple tabs Bwe wabawo butimbe obusukka mu kamu QupZilla esookenga kukubuuza okukakasa nga ogiggalawo Closed tabs list instead of opened in tab bar Address Bar behaviour Nneyisa ya lubaawo okulabika ndagiriro Suggest when typing into address bar: Bw'obanga owandika awalabikira ndagiriro QupZilla ekulagenga ebifaanana by'owandika ebiri mu: History and Bookmarks Birabidwa ne mu Bukwatakifo History Birabidwa Bookmarks Bukwatakifo Nothing Ereme kubaako by'ekulaga Enable inline suggestions Press "Shift" to not switch the tab but load the url in the current tab Propose to switch tab if completed url is already loaded Always show go icon Select all text by double clicking in address bar Okunyiga mirundi ebiri awali ndagiriro kitangaaze ebigambo ebiri awo byonna Select all text by clicking in address bar Bw'onyiga awalabikira ndagiriro, ebiwandikidw'awo byonna birondebwa Search with Default Engine Kozesa nfo enoonyesebwa eya bulijjo Show loading progress in address bar Awalabika ndagiriro wabewo ekiraga ogw'okubikkula ekifo we gutuuse Fill Kibunewo Bottom Kibeere wansi w'ebigambo Top Kibeere waggulu w'ebigambo Custom color: Weyiyize langi: Select color Londa langi ... ... Reset Zzawo langi eya bulijjo Web Configuration Ebisangibwa ku Intaneti Allow Netscape Plugins (Flash plugin) Ebyongerwako ebya Netscape (ebya Fulasi ) nabyo bisobole okukola Allow JavaScript Ebya JavaScript bikkirize bikole Allow JAVA Ebya JAVA bikkirizibwe Allow DNS Prefetch QupZilla ezuulirengawo ndagiriro nyunzi ez'okulupapula olwakabikkulwa kwe zigguka Enable XSS Auditing try to detect possible XSS attacks when executing javascript Kisoboke okusunsula mu bupuroguramu obukola nga tebusinzide ku nfo gy'obikkude Print element background when you are printing page (on printer), it determine whether to also print background (color, image) of html elements Pulinta ekube n'ebiri ku bwaliriro bwa buli kitundu ky'olupapula Include links in focus chain focus also links on page (basically <a> elements) when pressing Tab key Bw'otambuzisa mapeesa mu ddirisa lya puloguramu gakutwale ne ku nyunzi eziri ku lupapula lw'okebera Animated scrolling Enable caret browsing Kisoboke okutambulira mu lupapula lwa yintaneti nga weyambisa mapeesa gokka Enable spatial navigation Zoom text only Zimburukusako bigambo byokka If you disable this, it will still be accesible via standard Qt shortcuts Enable Undo/Redo for editable forms Mouse wheel scrolls Okunyoola namuziga ey'okukasongosebwa kuleetere by'olaba okweseesa nyiriri lines on page waggulu oba wansi Default zoom on pages: Obuzimburukufu bwa by'olaba obwa bulijjo: Local Storage Kutereka Ku Kompyuta Eno Maximum Kkomo ly'obungi bw'ebiterekedwa mu gwanika 50 MB MB 50 1 1 Maximum pages in cache: Kkomo ly'empapula ezisobola kuterekebwa mu gwanika zzibizi: Allow storing network cache on disk Wabewo gwanika zzibizi ery'ebikeberwa ku yintaneti Store cache in: Gwanika eryo libeere wano: Allow saving history Kompyuta ekole lukalala lwa by'olabye Delete history on close Olukalala lwa by'olabye lugyibwengawo buli lw'omala QupZilla Allow local storage of HTML5 web content Ebya HTML5 bisobole okusigala ku kompyuta eno Delete locally stored HTML5 web content on close Oluva mu QupZilla nga n'ebya HTML5 ebisigadde ko bigyibwa wo Delete now Bigyewo Proxy Configuration Kuteekateeka Kompyuta Masanganzira Proxy Auto-Config (.pac) file Reload <b>Exceptions</b> <b>Nteekateeka Zino Gye Zitaakolere</b> Don't use on: Nteekateeka eno ereme kukolera ku: System proxy configuration Nteekateeka za masanganzira etuuka ku intaneti Manual configuration Wewandikire nteekateeka HTTP HTTP SOCKS5 SOCKS5 Port: Mukutu: Username: Linnya lya akawunti: Password: Kyama: Use different proxy for https connection Kompyuta ndala y'eba ekola ku mikutu gya kika kya https Server: Kompyuta Masanganzira: Use script for automatic configuration: Do not use proxy Tokozesa masanganzira kutuuka ku intaneti <b>Font Families</b> <b>Ndyo Za Nkula Za Nnukuta</b> Standard Fixed Serif Sans Serif Cursive Fantasy <b>Font Sizes</b> <b>Bunene Bwa Nnukuta</b> Fixed Font Size Default Font Size Minimum Font Size Minimum Logical Font Size <b>Shortcuts</b> <b>Ebyanguya</b> Switch to tabs with Alt + number of tab Okukyusa katimbe k'olaba nyiga ppeesa lya ALT okumu n'eririko namba efaanagana n'ekifo ky'akatimbe ke wetaaga Load speed dials with Ctrl + number of speed dial Mu Tuukirawo okugenda ku emu ku nfo ez'olesedwa nyiga ppeesa lya Ctrl okum n'eririko namba efaanagana n'ekifo ky'enfo eyo mu z'olesedwa Add .co.uk domain by pressing ALT key in address bar <b>Download Location</b> <b>Ebiwanudwa Gye Bigenda</b> Ask everytime for download location Mbuuzanga buli lwe mbaako kye ŋenda okuwanula Use defined location: Bigendenga wano: <b>Download Options</b> <b>Ebinabangawo Mu Kuwanula</b> Use native system file dialog (may or may not cause problems with downloading SSL secured content) Obubaka obwa mu kuwanula busibuke ku sisitemu yenyini so ssi QupZilla (Kiyinza kuleetawo kiremya ebiwanulwa bwe biba nga biva awantu awakozesa SSL) Close download manager when downloading finishes Ekifuga kuwanula kivewo okuwanula nga kuwedde <b>External download manager</b> <b>Ebifuga Kuwanula</b> Use external download manager Kozesa puloguramu etali ya QupZilla Executable: Puloguramu: Arguments: Agumenti: Leave blank if unsure Kino bw'oba ng a tokyekakasa leka wano nga wereere <b>%d</b> will be replaced with URL to be downloaded <b>AutoFill options</b> <b>Ebikkirizibwa Kujjukirwa</b> Allow saving passwords from sites Kkiriza nfo kujjukira byama Send Referer header to servers QupZilla ekkirize okusindikanga bubaka obumanyisa kompyuta okuli by'ogenda okulaba lupapula ki lw'ova kulaba <b>Cookies</b> <b>Obujjukiza</b> Send Do Not Track header to servers QupZilla eragirire kompyuta ez'oku yintaneti zireme okulondoola by'olaba <b>Other</b> <b>Birala</b> Manage CA certificates Certificate Manager Ekiteekateeka Mmatizo <b>SSL Certificates</b> <b>Mmatizo za SSL</b> <b>JavaScript</b> <b>JavaScript</b> Manage JavaScript privacy options Teekateeka ngeri ebya JavaScript gye bikuuma bibyo JavaScript options Nteekateeka za JavaScript Cookies Manager Teekateeka bya Bujjukiza Manage Cookies Teekateeka bya Bujjukiza <b>HTML5 Permissions</b> <b>Ndukusa za mu HTML5</b> Manage HTML5 permissions Teekateka ndukusa za mu HTML5 HTML5 Permissions Ndukusa za mu HTML5 <b>Notifications</b> <b>Bubaka</b> Use OSD Notifications Obubaka bujjirenga mu budirisa bwa OSD Use Native System Notifications (Linux only) Obubaka bukolerenga ku nteeekateeka ey'oku sisitemu eno (kikolera ku Linux yekka) Do not use Notifications Walemenga kubawo bubaka Expiration timeout: Obubaka buvawo luvanyuma lwa: seconds sikonda <b>Note: </b>You can change position of OSD Notification by dragging it on the screen. <b>Genderera:</b>Okukyusa kadirisa ka OSD gye kalabikira kasike okutuuka w'oyagala kabeere. StyleSheet automatically loaded with all websites: Languages Nnimi <b>Preferred language for web sites</b> <b>Nnimi mw'osinga kwagala kusomera eby'oku intaneti</b> <b>Change browser identification</b> <b>Kyusa nneyanjula ya kalambulanneti</b> User Agent Manager Teekateeka Nneyanjula ya QupZilla QupZilla QupZilla Default Set as default OSD Notification Kadirisa ka OSD Drag it on the screen to place it where you want. Kasike okateeke w'oyagala kabeere. Choose download location... Londa ekifo ebiwanudwa mwe binaagendanga... Choose stylesheet location... Deleted Choose executable location... Choose cache path... New Profile Mateeka Mapya Enter the new profile's name: Wandika linnya lya mateeka mapya: Error! Kiremya! This profile already exists! Eriyo mateeka agamaze kutumwa linnya lino! Cannot create profile directory! Nnemedwa kukolawo tterekero lya mateeka! Confirmation Kukakasa Are you sure to permanently delete "%1" profile? This action cannot be undone! Okakasa oyagala okugyawo mateeka ga "%1"? Tojjakusobola kujjulula kikolwa kino! Select Color Londa Langi QObject Native System Notification Save file as... Fayiro gitereke wano... The file is not an OpenSearch 1.1 file. <not set in certificate> Unknown size KB MB GB Executable: Arguments: Cannot start external program Cannot start external program! %1 QtWin Open new tab Leeta katimbe kapya Opens a new tab if browser is running Kireetawo katimbe kapya Open new window Leeta ddirisa ppya Opens a new window if browser is running Wajja wo ddirisa ppya singa QupZilla eba ekola Open new private window Opens a new private window Open download manager Leeta ekifuga kuwanula Opens a download manager if browser is running Wajja wo ekifuga okuwanula singa QupZilla eba ekola QupZilla QupZilla QupZilla Private Browsing Enabled IP Address of current page Ndagiriro ya IP ey'olupapula olulabika kati &About QupZilla &Kwanjula QupZilla Pr&eferences Nt&eekateeka Quit Mala &File &Fayiro New Tab Katimbe Kapya &New Window &Ddirisa Ppya Open Location Bikkula Awantu Open &File... Bikkula &Fayiro... Close Tab Gyawo katimbe Close Window Gala Ddirisa &Save Page As... &Tereka Koppi ya Lupapula Luno Wano... Save Page Screen Lukwate Kifaananyi Send Link... Ndagiriro eno baako b'ogisindikira... &Print... Import bookmarks... Nona bukwatakifo... &Edit &Kyusamu &Undo &Julula &Redo &Zzawo &Cut &Situlawo C&opy K&oppa &Paste &Paatiika Select &All Londa &Byonna &Find &Noonya &View &Ndabika &Navigation Toolbar &Lubaawo Lwa Byakulambula &Bookmarks Toolbar Lubawo Lwa &Byabukwatakifo Sta&tus Bar Luba&wo Olulaga Mbeera Y'egibumbujja &Menu Bar Lubaawo Lwa &Menyu &Tabs on Top &Fullscreen &Buna Lutimbe &Stop &Koma &Reload &Damu kubikkula lupapula luno Character &Encoding &Nkongojja Ya Nukuta Enable &Caret Browsing Lambuza &Mapeesa Toolbars Mbawo z'ebiyamba Sidebars Budirisa Bwa Ku Mabbali Zoom &In &Zimburukusa Zoom &Out &Kendeeza Reset Zza Bugya &Page Source &Laga Buwandike Bw'ennono Bw'olupapula Hi&story Ebi&rabidwa &Back &Ddayo &Forward &Weyongereyo &Home &Awatandikirwa Show &All History Laga Byonn&a Ebirabidwa Closed Tabs Butimbe obwakagyibwawo Recently Visited Ebyakalabwa Most Visited Ebisinze Okulabwa Emirundi Emingi &Bookmarks &Bukwatakifo Bookmark &This Page K&wata kifo kino Bookmark &All Tabs Kwata Ebifo Ebiri mu Butimbe Bwonn&a Obuliwo Kakano Organize &Bookmarks Teekateeka &Bukwatakifo &Tools &Ebiyamba &Web Search Noonyeza ku &Yintaneti Page &Info Ma&yitire ga Lupapula Luno &Download Manager &Ekifuga Kuwanula &Cookies Manager &Teekateeka bya Bujjukiza &AdBlock &AdBlock RSS &Reader Web In&spector Ek&ikebera Buwandike Bw'ennono Clear Recent &History Yerula Lukalala &Lw'ebyakalabibwa New &Private Window &Help &Nyamba About &Qt Kwanjula &Qt Information about application Configuration Information Report &Issue Restore &Closed Tab Komyawo &Katimbe akaakagyibwawo (Private Browsing) Empty Wereere Restore All Closed Tabs Komyawo Butimbe Bwonna Obwakagyibwawo Clear list Lukalala Lwerule Other %1 - QupZilla %1 - QupZilla HTML files Fayiro eza HTML Image files Fayiro ez'ebifaananyi Text files Fayiro ez'ebigambo All files Fayiro ez'ebika byonna Open file... Bikkula fayiro... QupZilla %1 (%2) There are still %1 open tabs and your session won't be stored. Are you sure to close this window? Don't ask again Toddamu kusooka kumbuuza There are still open tabs Okyalinawo obutimbe QupZillaSchemeReply No Error Not Found Report Issue If you are experiencing problems with QupZilla, please try to disable all extensions first. <br/>If this does not fix it, then please fill out this form: Your E-mail Issue type Issue description Send E-mail is optional<br/><b>Note: </b>Please read how to make a bug report <a href=%1>here</a> first. Please fill out all required fields! Start Page Olutandikirwako Search on Web Search results provided by DuckDuckGo About QupZilla Kwanjula QupZilla <h1>Private Browsing</h1> Information about version Copyright Obuyinza bw'ebikugizo eby'obwa nannyini Version Luwandika WebKit version Luwandika lwa WebKit Main developer Contributors Translators Speed Dial Tuukirawo Add New Page Edit Kyusamu Remove Gyawo Reload Ddamu kulubikkula Are you sure to remove this speed dial? Load title from page Url Ndagiriro ya Url Title Apply Kazza Close Gala New Page Speed Dial settings Nteekateeka za Tuukirawo Placement: Auto Cover Fit Fit Width Fit Height Use background image Select image Maximum pages in a row: Change size of pages: Center speed dials Restore Session Oops, QupZilla crashed. Bambi, QupZilla etabuse. We apologize for this. Would you like to restore the last saved state? Tukwetondedde. Ebibadde birabika bikomezbwewo? Try removing one or more tabs that you think cause troubles Or you can start completely new session Configuration Information QupZilla bw'etegekedwa kakano This page contains information about QupZilla's current configuration - relevant for troubleshooting. Please include this information when submitting bug reports. Browser Identification Puloguramu kye yeyita ku yintaneti Paths Makubo Build Configuration Nteekateeka ezaakozesebwa mu kugikola Preferences Nteekateeka Option Kitegekebwa Value Butegeke bwa kyo Extensions Ebyongerwako Name Author Description Application version Luwandika lwa puloguramu Qt version Luwandika lwa Qt Build time Puloguramu lwe yakolebwa Platform Kika kya sisitemu kw'ekolera Profile Mateeka agagifuga nkola Settings Saved session Pinned tabs Data Data Themes Translations <b>Enabled</b> Disabled Debug build WebGL support Windows 7 API KDE integration Portable build No available extensions. RSSManager RSS Reader Empty Wereere Add feed Edit feed Delete feed Reload News Loading... You don't have any RSS Feeds.<br/> Please add some with RSS icon in navigation bar on site which offers feeds. Add new feed Please enter URL of new feed: New feed Fill title and URL of a feed: Feed title: Feed URL: Edit RSS Feed Open link in current tab Ekifo kibikkulire mu katimbe akalabika kakano Open link in new tab Ekifo kibikkulire mu katimbe kapya Error in fetching feed RSS feed duplicated You already have this feed. RSSNotification Add this feed into Add RSS feed <b>"%1"</b> Internal Reader Other... Liferea not running Liferea must be running in order to add new feed. To add this RSS feed into other application, please use this information:<br/><br/><b>Title: </b>%1<br/><b>Url: </b>%2<br/><br/>Url address of this feed has been copied into your clipboard. Add feed into other application RSSWidget Add RSS Feeds from this site Untitled feed You already have this feed. RecoveryWidget Start New Session Restore Window %1 RegisterQAppAssociation Warning! Kulabula! There are some problems. Please, reinstall QupZilla. Maybe relaunch with administrator right do a magic for you! ;) RssIcon Add RSS from this page... SSLManager Certificate Manager CA Authorities Certificates Show info This is a list of CA Authorities Certificates stored in the standard system path and in user specified paths. Local Certificates Import Nona Remove This is a list of Local Certificates stored in your user profile. It also contains all certificates, that have received an exception. Settings Nteekateeka Add If CA Authorities Certificates were not automatically loaded from the system, you can specify paths manually where the certificates are stored. <b>NOTE:</b> Setting this option is a high security risk! Ignore all SSL Warnings All certificates must have .crt suffix. After adding or removing certificate paths, it is neccessary to restart QupZilla in order to take effect the changes. Choose path... Import certificate... Nona mmatizo... Certificate Informations SearchEnginesDialog Manage Search Engines Add... Remove Edit Set as default Up Down Search Engine Shortcut Defaults Add Search Engine Remove Engine You can't remove the default search engine.<br>Set a different engine as default before removing %1. Edit Search Engine SearchEnginesManager Search Engine Added Search Engine "%1" has been successfully added. Search Engine is not valid! Error Kiremya Error while adding Search Engine <br><b>Error Message: </b> %1 SearchToolBar No results found. Tewali bizuulidwa. SearchToolbar Search: Noonya: Search... Noonya... Highlight Tangaaza Case sensitive Yawula wakati w'ennukuta nnene n'entono SideBar Bookmarks Bukwatakifo History Birabidwa SiteInfo Site Info General Media Databases Security Size: Site address: Encoding: Meta tags of site: Tag Value <b>Security information</b> Details Image Image address <b>Preview</b> <b>Database details</b> Name: Path: <database not selected> <not set in certificate> No databases are used by this page. <b>Connection is Encrypted.</b> <b>Your connection to this page is secured with this certificate: </b> <b>Connection Not Encrypted.</b> <b>Your connection to this page is not secured!</b> Copy Image Location Copy Image Name Save Image to Disk Error! Kiremya! This preview is not available! Save image... Cannot write to file! Preview not available SiteInfoWidget More... Your connection to this site is <b>secured</b>. Your connection to this site is <b>unsecured</b>. This is your <b>%1</b> visit of this site. You have <b>never</b> visited this site before. first second third SourceViewer Source of File Fayiro Load in page Biteeke mu lupapula Save as... Bitereke wano... Close Gala Edit Kyusamu Undo Julula Redo Zawo Cut Situlawo Copy Koppa Paste Paatiika Select All Londa Byonna Find Noonya Go to Line... Genda ku lunyiriri namba... View Ndabika Reload Ddamu ku binona Editable Bisobole kukyusibwamu Word Wrap Mboozi z'emenyenga ddirisa gye likoma Source loaded in page Cannot load in page. Page has been closed. Sisobola ku biteeka mu lupapula, ssi lwe lulabika kati. Save file... Error! Kiremya! Cannot write to file! Error writing to file Source successfully saved Source reloaded Bizemu kunonebwa Cannot reload source. Page has been closed. Sisobola kuddamu kuwanula buwandike bw'ennono. Lupapula ssi lubikkule. Editable changed Kati bikyusikamu Word Wrap changed Mboozi kati z'emenya Enter line number Wandika namba ya lunyiriri SourceViewerSearch Search: Search... Whole words SpeedDial Image files Select image... Unable to load SpellCheckDialog SpellCheck <b>Dictionary path</b> Change... <b>User dictionary</b> Add Remove Using Hunspell library Choose dictionary path... Add new word... Add new word: Speller No suggestions Add to dictionary Settings SqueezeLabelV2 Copy SslErrorDialog SSL Certificate Error! Only for this session TabBar &New tab &Katimbe kapya &Stop Tab &Reload Tab &Damu Kubikkula Katimbe &Duplicate Tab D&etach Tab Un&pin Tab &Pin Tab Re&load All Tabs &Bookmark This Tab Bookmark &All Tabs Close Ot&her Tabs Gyawo Butimbe Bul&ala Cl&ose G&ala Reloa&d All Tabs Restore &Closed Tab Komyawo &Katimbe akaakagyibwawo Close Tabs Do you really want to close other tabs? TabWidget New Tab Katimbe Kapya List of tabs Lukalala lwa butimbe Loading... No Named Page Currently you have %n opened tab(s) New tab Katimbe kapya Empty Wereere Restore All Closed Tabs Zawo Butimbe Bwonna obwakagyibwawo Clear list Olukalala lwerule TabbedWebView Loading... %1 - QupZilla %1 - QupZilla Inspect Element Kebera Buwandike Bw'ennono Bw'akatundu Kano ThemeManager <b>Name:</b> <b>Lulyo:</b> <b>Author:</b> <b>Eyalukola:</b> <b>Description:</b> <b>Ebirufaako:</b> License ToolButton Stop Reload Updater Update available New version of QupZilla is ready to download. Update UserAgentDialog User Agent Manager Change global User Agent Use different User Agents for specified sites Site User Agent Add Remove Edit Add new site Edit site Site domain: User Agent: WebInspectorDockWidget Web Inspector Ekikebera Buwandike Bw'ennono WebPage QupZilla cannot handle <b>%1:</b> links. The requested link is <ul><li>%2</li></ul>Do you want QupZilla to try open this link in system application? Remember my choice for this protocol External Protocol Request To show this page, QupZilla must resend request which do it again (like searching on making an shopping, which has been already done.) Confirm form resubmission Select files to upload... Server refused the connection Server closed the connection Kompyuta ewereza omukutu eguzibye Server not found Connection timed out Untrusted connection Temporary network failure Proxy connection refused Proxy server not found Proxy connection timed out Proxy authentication required Content not found Unknown network error AdBlocked Content Blocked by <i>%1</i> Content Access Denied Error code %1 Failed loading page QupZilla can't load page. QupZillaeremedwa okubikkula lupapula. QupZilla can't load page from %1. QupZilla eremedwa okubikkula olupapula oluli ku %1. Check the address for typing errors such as <b>ww.</b>example.com instead of <b>www.</b>example.com If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection. If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that QupZilla is permitted to access the Web. Try Again JavaScript alert Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs Choose file... Londa fayiro... Cannot read data from <b>%1</b>. Upload was cancelled! Cannot read file! WebSearchBar Manage Search Engines Add %1 ... Paste And &Search Paatiika &Onoonyzewo Clear All Show suggestions Search when engine changed WebView No Named Page Create Search Engine Cut Situlawo Copy Koppa Paste Paatiika Select All Londa Byonna Default Left to Right Right to Left Bold Italic Underline &Reload &Damu okubikkula S&top Ko&ma Undo Redo Delete Gyawo &Back &Ddayo &Forward &Weyongereyo This frame Show &only this frame Show this frame in new &tab Print frame Zoom &in Z&imbulukusa &Zoom out &Kendeeza Reset Show so&urce of frame Book&mark page &Kwata kifo kino &Save page as... &Tereka koppi ya lupapula luno wano... &Copy page link &Kwata ndagiriro y'olupapula luno Send page link... Ndagiriro ya lupapula luno baako b'ogisindikira... &Print page &Lusindike ku pulinta Select &all Londa &byonna Validate page Noonya nsobi mu buwandike bw'ennono bw'olupapula luno Translate page Show so&urce code Kebera buwandike bw'e&nnono Show info ab&out site Kebera m&ayitire g'ekifo kino &Add New Page &Configure Speed Dial Open link in new &tab Ekifo kibikkulire mu katimbe &kapya Open link in new &window Ekifo kibikkulire mu &ddirisa ppya B&ookmark link N&dagiriro eno gikolere kakwatakifo &Save link as... &Tereka koppi ya bino wano... Send link... Ndagiriro eno baako b'ogisindikira... &Copy link address &Ndagiriro eno gikwate Show i&mage Laga ki&faananyi kino kyokka Copy im&age Tereka koppi y'ekif&aananyi kino Copy image ad&dress Kwata n&dagiriro y'ekifaananyi kino &Save image as... &Tereka koppi y'ekifaananyi kino wano... Send image... Ekifaananyi kino baako b'okisindikira... Send text... Google Translate Dictionary Go to &web address Search "%1 .." with %2 Search with... &Play &Pause Un&mute &Mute &Copy Media Address &Send Media Address Save Media To &Disk Check &Spelling Languages Nnimi jsAlert Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs