/* ============================================================ * Falkon - Qt web browser * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 David Rosca * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * ============================================================ */ #include "tabwidget.h" #include "tabbar.h" #include "tabbedwebview.h" #include "webpage.h" #include "browserwindow.h" #include "mainapplication.h" #include "webtab.h" #include "clickablelabel.h" #include "closedtabsmanager.h" #include "locationbar.h" #include "settings.h" #include "datapaths.h" #include "qzsettings.h" #include "qztools.h" #include "tabicon.h" #include "pluginproxy.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include AddTabButton::AddTabButton(TabWidget* tabWidget, TabBar* tabBar) : ToolButton(tabBar) , m_tabBar(tabBar) , m_tabWidget(tabWidget) { setObjectName("tabwidget-button-addtab"); setAutoRaise(true); setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); setAcceptDrops(true); setToolTip(TabWidget::tr("New Tab")); } void AddTabButton::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) { m_tabBar->wheelEvent(event); } void AddTabButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (event->button() == Qt::MiddleButton && rect().contains(event->pos())) { m_tabWidget->addTabFromClipboard(); } ToolButton::mouseReleaseEvent(event); } void MenuTabs::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (event->button() == Qt::MiddleButton) { QAction* action = actionAt(event->pos()); if (action && action->isEnabled()) { WebTab* tab = qobject_cast(qvariant_cast(action->data())); if (tab) { emit closeTab(tab->tabIndex()); action->setEnabled(false); event->accept(); } } } QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(event); } TabWidget::TabWidget(BrowserWindow *window, QWidget *parent) : TabStackedWidget(parent) , m_window(window) , m_locationBars(new QStackedWidget) , m_closedTabsManager(new ClosedTabsManager) { setObjectName(QSL("tabwidget")); m_tabBar = new TabBar(m_window, this); setTabBar(m_tabBar); connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), m_window, SLOT(refreshHistory())); connect(this, &TabWidget::changed, mApp, &MainApplication::changeOccurred); connect(this, &TabStackedWidget::pinStateChanged, this, &TabWidget::changed); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(requestCloseTab(int))); connect(m_tabBar, &TabBar::tabMoved, this, &TabWidget::tabWasMoved); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(moveAddTabButton(int)), this, SLOT(moveAddTabButton(int))); connect(mApp, SIGNAL(settingsReloaded()), this, SLOT(loadSettings())); m_menuTabs = new MenuTabs(this); connect(m_menuTabs, SIGNAL(closeTab(int)), this, SLOT(requestCloseTab(int))); m_menuClosedTabs = new QMenu(this); // AddTab button displayed next to last tab m_buttonAddTab = new AddTabButton(this, m_tabBar); m_buttonAddTab->setProperty("outside-tabbar", false); connect(m_buttonAddTab, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_window, SLOT(addTab())); // AddTab button displayed outside tabbar (as corner widget) m_buttonAddTab2 = new AddTabButton(this, m_tabBar); m_buttonAddTab2->setProperty("outside-tabbar", true); m_buttonAddTab2->hide(); connect(m_buttonAddTab2, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_window, SLOT(addTab())); // ClosedTabs button displayed as a permanent corner widget m_buttonClosedTabs = new ToolButton(m_tabBar); m_buttonClosedTabs->setObjectName("tabwidget-button-closedtabs"); m_buttonClosedTabs->setMenu(m_menuClosedTabs); m_buttonClosedTabs->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); m_buttonClosedTabs->setToolTip(tr("Closed tabs")); m_buttonClosedTabs->setAutoRaise(true); m_buttonClosedTabs->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); m_buttonClosedTabs->setShowMenuInside(true); connect(m_buttonClosedTabs, SIGNAL(aboutToShowMenu()), this, SLOT(aboutToShowClosedTabsMenu())); // ListTabs button is showed only when tabbar overflows m_buttonListTabs = new ToolButton(m_tabBar); m_buttonListTabs->setObjectName("tabwidget-button-opentabs"); m_buttonListTabs->setMenu(m_menuTabs); m_buttonListTabs->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); m_buttonListTabs->setToolTip(tr("List of tabs")); m_buttonListTabs->setAutoRaise(true); m_buttonListTabs->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); m_buttonListTabs->setShowMenuInside(true); m_buttonListTabs->hide(); connect(m_buttonListTabs, SIGNAL(aboutToShowMenu()), this, SLOT(aboutToShowTabsMenu())); m_tabBar->addCornerWidget(m_buttonAddTab2, Qt::TopRightCorner); m_tabBar->addCornerWidget(m_buttonClosedTabs, Qt::TopRightCorner); m_tabBar->addCornerWidget(m_buttonListTabs, Qt::TopRightCorner); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(overFlowChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(tabBarOverFlowChanged(bool))); loadSettings(); } BrowserWindow *TabWidget::browserWindow() const { return m_window; } void TabWidget::loadSettings() { Settings settings; settings.beginGroup("Browser-Tabs-Settings"); m_dontCloseWithOneTab = settings.value("dontCloseWithOneTab", false).toBool(); m_showClosedTabsButton = settings.value("showClosedTabsButton", false).toBool(); m_newTabAfterActive = settings.value("newTabAfterActive", true).toBool(); m_newEmptyTabAfterActive = settings.value("newEmptyTabAfterActive", false).toBool(); settings.endGroup(); settings.beginGroup("Web-URL-Settings"); m_urlOnNewTab = settings.value("newTabUrl", "falkon:speeddial").toUrl(); settings.endGroup(); m_tabBar->loadSettings(); updateClosedTabsButton(); } WebTab* TabWidget::weTab() const { return weTab(currentIndex()); } WebTab* TabWidget::weTab(int index) const { return qobject_cast(widget(index)); } TabIcon* TabWidget::tabIcon(int index) const { return weTab(index)->tabIcon(); } bool TabWidget::validIndex(int index) const { return index >= 0 && index < count(); } void TabWidget::updateClosedTabsButton() { m_buttonClosedTabs->setVisible(m_showClosedTabsButton && canRestoreTab()); } void TabWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (mApp->plugins()->processKeyPress(Qz::ON_TabWidget, this, event)) { return; } TabStackedWidget::keyPressEvent(event); } void TabWidget::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (mApp->plugins()->processKeyRelease(Qz::ON_TabWidget, this, event)) { return; } TabStackedWidget::keyReleaseEvent(event); } bool TabWidget::isCurrentTabFresh() const { return m_currentTabFresh; } void TabWidget::setCurrentTabFresh(bool currentTabFresh) { m_currentTabFresh = currentTabFresh; } void TabWidget::tabBarOverFlowChanged(bool overflowed) { // Show buttons inside tabbar m_buttonAddTab->setVisible(!overflowed); // Show buttons displayed outside tabbar (corner widgets) m_buttonAddTab2->setVisible(overflowed); m_buttonListTabs->setVisible(overflowed); } void TabWidget::moveAddTabButton(int posX) { int posY = (m_tabBar->height() - m_buttonAddTab->height()) / 2; if (QApplication::layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) { posX = qMax(posX - m_buttonAddTab->width(), 0); } else { posX = qMin(posX, m_tabBar->width() - m_buttonAddTab->width()); } m_buttonAddTab->move(posX, posY); } void TabWidget::aboutToShowTabsMenu() { m_menuTabs->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++) { WebTab* tab = weTab(i); if (!tab || tab->isPinned()) { continue; } QAction* action = new QAction(this); action->setIcon(tab->icon()); if (i == currentIndex()) { QFont f = action->font(); f.setBold(true); action->setFont(f); } QString title = tab->title(); title.replace(QLatin1Char('&'), QLatin1String("&&")); action->setText(QzTools::truncatedText(title, 40)); action->setData(QVariant::fromValue(qobject_cast(tab))); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(actionChangeIndex())); m_menuTabs->addAction(action); } } void TabWidget::aboutToShowClosedTabsMenu() { m_menuClosedTabs->clear(); const auto closedTabs = closedTabsManager()->closedTabs(); for (int i = 0; i < closedTabs.count(); ++i) { const ClosedTabsManager::Tab tab = closedTabs.at(i); const QString title = QzTools::truncatedText(tab.tabState.title, 40); m_menuClosedTabs->addAction(tab.tabState.icon, title, this, SLOT(restoreClosedTab()))->setData(i); } if (m_menuClosedTabs->isEmpty()) { m_menuClosedTabs->addAction(tr("Empty"))->setEnabled(false); } else { m_menuClosedTabs->addSeparator(); m_menuClosedTabs->addAction(tr("Restore All Closed Tabs"), this, SLOT(restoreAllClosedTabs())); m_menuClosedTabs->addAction(tr("Clear list"), this, SLOT(clearClosedTabsList())); } } void TabWidget::actionChangeIndex() { if (QAction* action = qobject_cast(sender())) { WebTab* tab = qobject_cast(qvariant_cast(action->data())); if (tab) { m_tabBar->ensureVisible(tab->tabIndex()); setCurrentIndex(tab->tabIndex()); } } } int TabWidget::addView(const LoadRequest &req, const Qz::NewTabPositionFlags &openFlags, bool selectLine, bool pinned) { return addView(req, QString(), openFlags, selectLine, -1, pinned); } int TabWidget::addView(const LoadRequest &req, const QString &title, const Qz::NewTabPositionFlags &openFlags, bool selectLine, int position, bool pinned) { QUrl url = req.url(); m_currentTabFresh = false; if (url.isEmpty() && !(openFlags & Qz::NT_CleanTab)) { url = m_urlOnNewTab; } bool openAfterActive = m_newTabAfterActive && !(openFlags & Qz::NT_TabAtTheEnd); if (openFlags == Qz::NT_SelectedNewEmptyTab && m_newEmptyTabAfterActive) { openAfterActive = true; } if (openAfterActive && position == -1) { // If we are opening newBgTab from pinned tab, make sure it won't be // opened between other pinned tabs if (openFlags & Qz::NT_NotSelectedTab && m_lastBackgroundTab) { position = m_lastBackgroundTab->tabIndex() + 1; } else { position = qMax(currentIndex() + 1, m_tabBar->pinnedTabsCount()); } } WebTab* webTab = new WebTab(m_window); webTab->setPinned(pinned); webTab->locationBar()->showUrl(url); m_locationBars->addWidget(webTab->locationBar()); int index = insertTab(position == -1 ? count() : position, webTab, QString(), pinned); webTab->attach(m_window); if (!title.isEmpty()) { m_tabBar->setTabText(index, title); } if (openFlags & Qz::NT_SelectedTab) { setCurrentIndex(index); } else { m_lastBackgroundTab = webTab; } connect(webTab->webView(), SIGNAL(wantsCloseTab(int)), this, SLOT(closeTab(int))); connect(webTab->webView(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)), this, SIGNAL(changed())); connect(webTab->webView(), SIGNAL(ipChanged(QString)), m_window->ipLabel(), SLOT(setText(QString))); connect(webTab->webView(), &WebView::urlChanged, this, [this](const QUrl &url) { if (url != m_urlOnNewTab) m_currentTabFresh = false; }); if (url.isValid() && url != req.url()) { LoadRequest r(req); r.setUrl(url); webTab->webView()->load(r); } else if (req.url().isValid()) { webTab->webView()->load(req); } if (selectLine && m_window->locationBar()->text().isEmpty()) { m_window->locationBar()->setFocus(); } // Make sure user notice opening new background tabs if (!(openFlags & Qz::NT_SelectedTab)) { m_tabBar->ensureVisible(index); } emit changed(); emit tabInserted(index); return index; } int TabWidget::addView(WebTab *tab, const Qz::NewTabPositionFlags &openFlags) { return insertView(count() + 1, tab, openFlags); } int TabWidget::insertView(int index, WebTab *tab, const Qz::NewTabPositionFlags &openFlags) { m_locationBars->addWidget(tab->locationBar()); int newIndex = insertTab(index, tab, QString(), tab->isPinned()); tab->attach(m_window); if (openFlags.testFlag(Qz::NT_SelectedTab)) { setCurrentIndex(newIndex); } else { m_lastBackgroundTab = tab; } connect(tab->webView(), SIGNAL(wantsCloseTab(int)), this, SLOT(closeTab(int))); connect(tab->webView(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)), this, SIGNAL(changed())); connect(tab->webView(), SIGNAL(ipChanged(QString)), m_window->ipLabel(), SLOT(setText(QString))); // Make sure user notice opening new background tabs if (!(openFlags & Qz::NT_SelectedTab)) { m_tabBar->ensureVisible(index); } emit changed(); emit tabInserted(newIndex); return newIndex; } void TabWidget::addTabFromClipboard() { QString selectionClipboard = QApplication::clipboard()->text(QClipboard::Selection); QUrl guessedUrl = QUrl::fromUserInput(selectionClipboard); if (!guessedUrl.isEmpty()) { addView(guessedUrl, Qz::NT_SelectedNewEmptyTab); } } void TabWidget::closeTab(int index) { if (index == -1) index = currentIndex(); WebTab *webTab = weTab(index); if (!webTab || !validIndex(index)) return; // This is already handled in requestCloseTab if (count() <= 1) { requestCloseTab(index); return; } m_closedTabsManager->saveTab(webTab); TabbedWebView *webView = webTab->webView(); m_locationBars->removeWidget(webView->webTab()->locationBar()); disconnect(webView, SIGNAL(wantsCloseTab(int)), this, SLOT(closeTab(int))); disconnect(webView, SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)), this, SIGNAL(changed())); disconnect(webView, SIGNAL(ipChanged(QString)), m_window->ipLabel(), SLOT(setText(QString))); m_lastBackgroundTab = nullptr; webTab->detach(); webTab->deleteLater(); updateClosedTabsButton(); emit changed(); emit tabRemoved(index); } void TabWidget::requestCloseTab(int index) { if (index == -1) index = currentIndex(); WebTab *webTab = weTab(index); if (!webTab || !validIndex(index)) return; TabbedWebView *webView = webTab->webView(); // This would close last tab, so we close the window instead if (count() <= 1) { // If we are not closing window upon closing last tab, let's just load new-tab-url if (m_dontCloseWithOneTab) { // We don't want to accumulate more than one closed tab, if user tries // to close the last tab multiple times if (webView->url() != m_urlOnNewTab) { m_closedTabsManager->saveTab(webTab); } webView->zoomReset(); webView->load(m_urlOnNewTab); return; } m_window->close(); return; } webView->triggerPageAction(QWebEnginePage::RequestClose); } void TabWidget::currentTabChanged(int index) { if (!validIndex(index)) return; m_lastBackgroundTab = nullptr; m_currentTabFresh = false; WebTab* webTab = weTab(index); webTab->tabActivated(); LocationBar* locBar = webTab->locationBar(); if (locBar && m_locationBars->indexOf(locBar) != -1) { m_locationBars->setCurrentWidget(locBar); } m_window->currentTabChanged(); emit changed(); } void TabWidget::tabWasMoved(int before, int after) { m_lastBackgroundTab = nullptr; emit changed(); emit tabMoved(before, after); } void TabWidget::setCurrentIndex(int index) { TabStackedWidget::setCurrentIndex(index); } void TabWidget::nextTab() { setCurrentIndex((currentIndex() + 1) % count()); } void TabWidget::previousTab() { setCurrentIndex(currentIndex() == 0 ? count() - 1 : currentIndex() - 1); } int TabWidget::normalTabsCount() const { return m_tabBar->normalTabsCount(); } int TabWidget::pinnedTabsCount() const { return m_tabBar->pinnedTabsCount(); } void TabWidget::reloadTab(int index) { if (!validIndex(index)) { return; } weTab(index)->reload(); } WebTab *TabWidget::webTab(int index) const { return index < 0 ? weTab() : weTab(index); } int TabWidget::extraReservedWidth() const { return m_buttonAddTab->width(); } TabBar* TabWidget::tabBar() const { return m_tabBar; } ClosedTabsManager* TabWidget::closedTabsManager() const { return m_closedTabsManager; } void TabWidget::reloadAllTabs() { for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++) { reloadTab(i); } } void TabWidget::stopTab(int index) { if (!validIndex(index)) { return; } weTab(index)->stop(); } void TabWidget::closeAllButCurrent(int index) { if (!validIndex(index)) { return; } WebTab* akt = weTab(index); foreach (WebTab* tab, allTabs(false)) { int tabIndex = tab->tabIndex(); if (akt == widget(tabIndex)) { continue; } requestCloseTab(tabIndex); } } void TabWidget::closeToRight(int index) { if (!validIndex(index)) { return; } foreach (WebTab* tab, allTabs(false)) { int tabIndex = tab->tabIndex(); if (index >= tabIndex) { continue; } requestCloseTab(tabIndex); } } void TabWidget::closeToLeft(int index) { if (!validIndex(index)) { return; } foreach (WebTab* tab, allTabs(false)) { int tabIndex = tab->tabIndex(); if (index <= tabIndex) { continue; } requestCloseTab(tabIndex); } } int TabWidget::pinUnPinTab(int index, const QString &title) { const int newIndex = TabStackedWidget::pinUnPinTab(index, title); if (index != newIndex) { emit tabMoved(index, newIndex); } return newIndex; } void TabWidget::detachTab(WebTab* tab) { Q_ASSERT(tab); if (count() == 1 && mApp->windowCount() == 1) { return; } m_locationBars->removeWidget(tab->locationBar()); disconnect(tab->webView(), SIGNAL(wantsCloseTab(int)), this, SLOT(closeTab(int))); disconnect(tab->webView(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)), this, SIGNAL(changed())); disconnect(tab->webView(), SIGNAL(ipChanged(QString)), m_window->ipLabel(), SLOT(setText(QString))); const int index = tab->tabIndex(); tab->detach(); tab->setPinned(false); emit tabRemoved(index); if (count() == 0) { m_window->close(); } } void TabWidget::detachTab(int index) { WebTab* tab = weTab(index); Q_ASSERT(tab); if (count() == 1 && mApp->windowCount() == 1) { return; } detachTab(tab); BrowserWindow* window = mApp->createWindow(Qz::BW_NewWindow); window->setStartTab(tab); } int TabWidget::duplicateTab(int index) { if (!validIndex(index)) { return -1; } WebTab* webTab = weTab(index); int id = addView(QUrl(), webTab->title(), Qz::NT_CleanSelectedTab); weTab(id)->p_restoreTab(webTab->url(), webTab->historyData(), webTab->zoomLevel()); return id; } void TabWidget::loadTab(int index) { if (!validIndex(index)) { return; } weTab(index)->tabActivated(); } void TabWidget::unloadTab(int index) { if (!validIndex(index)) { return; } weTab(index)->unload(); } void TabWidget::restoreClosedTab(QObject* obj) { if (!obj) { obj = sender(); } if (!m_closedTabsManager->isClosedTabAvailable()) { return; } ClosedTabsManager::Tab tab; QAction* action = qobject_cast(obj); if (action && action->data().toInt() != 0) { tab = m_closedTabsManager->takeTabAt(action->data().toInt()); } else { tab = m_closedTabsManager->takeLastClosedTab(); } if (tab.position < 0) { return; } int index = addView(QUrl(), tab.tabState.title, Qz::NT_CleanSelectedTab, false, tab.position); WebTab* webTab = weTab(index); webTab->p_restoreTab(tab.tabState); updateClosedTabsButton(); } void TabWidget::restoreAllClosedTabs() { if (!m_closedTabsManager->isClosedTabAvailable()) { return; } const auto closedTabs = m_closedTabsManager->closedTabs(); for (const ClosedTabsManager::Tab &tab : closedTabs) { int index = addView(QUrl(), tab.tabState.title, Qz::NT_CleanSelectedTab); WebTab* webTab = weTab(index); webTab->p_restoreTab(tab.tabState); } clearClosedTabsList(); } void TabWidget::clearClosedTabsList() { m_closedTabsManager->clearClosedTabs(); updateClosedTabsButton(); } bool TabWidget::canRestoreTab() const { return m_closedTabsManager->isClosedTabAvailable(); } QStackedWidget* TabWidget::locationBars() const { return m_locationBars; } ToolButton* TabWidget::buttonClosedTabs() const { return m_buttonClosedTabs; } AddTabButton* TabWidget::buttonAddTab() const { return m_buttonAddTab; } QList TabWidget::allTabs(bool withPinned) { QList allTabs; for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++) { WebTab* tab = weTab(i); if (!tab || (!withPinned && tab->isPinned())) { continue; } allTabs.append(tab); } return allTabs; } bool TabWidget::restoreState(const QVector &tabs, int currentTab) { if (tabs.isEmpty()) { return false; } QVector>> childTabs; for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i) { WebTab::SavedTab tab = tabs.at(i); WebTab *webTab = weTab(addView(QUrl(), Qz::NT_CleanSelectedTab, false, tab.isPinned)); webTab->restoreTab(tab); if (!tab.childTabs.isEmpty()) { childTabs.append({webTab, tab.childTabs}); } } for (const auto p : qAsConst(childTabs)) { const auto indices = p.second; for (int index : indices) { WebTab *t = weTab(index); if (t) { p.first->addChildTab(t); } } } setCurrentIndex(currentTab); QTimer::singleShot(0, m_tabBar, SLOT(ensureVisible(int,int))); weTab()->tabActivated(); return true; } TabWidget::~TabWidget() { delete m_closedTabsManager; }