General ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you can, you should use precompiled packages for your distribution. But if you cannot use them, or they are not available, please read this information before compiling. After your binary is successfully compiled, you need to copy bin/ folder from git to specific directory by your system you compiled for. On Linux, you can easily do it by running make install. If you are unsure where is the right place, you can check it directly from Falkon by clicking from Help Menu on Configuration Information, then in Path section. You may want to build Falkon with debugging symbols (for generating backtrace of crash) as easily as adding one line to src/defines.pri: CONFIG += debug Falkon requires Qt (>= 5.8) and QtWebEngine (at least version included in Qt 5.8) Microsoft Windows ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler, Qt Libraries 5.8 or higher and openssl libraries. in order to build Falkon. Linux / Unix ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to have Qt 5 (>= 5.8) with QtWebEngine. Next compulsory requirement is OpenSSL (libcrypto). xcb libraries are also required unless you specify NO_X11 build option. To build KWallet plugin, you need: - KF5 KWallet To build Gnome-Keyring plugin, you need - libgnome-keyring-dev installed For debug build, gdb is required by qmake. MAC OS X ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to have Xcode from the Apple App Store installed in Applications, [Command Line Tools for the same Xcode version]( may be included depending on the version, [Homebrew](, and `$ brew install openssl` for openssl. Next compulsory requirement is Qt 5 (>= 5.8) with QtWebEngine. After successful compilation, you need to build the application bundle. You will do it with following command: $ make bundle FreeBSD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may need to set few sysctls to get Falkon running with raster graphics system. For more informations, please see FAQ. Available Defines ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can set define directly in file (src/defines.pri) or set environment variable by $ export NAME="value" General: PORTABLE_BUILD Falkon won't write any data outside of path of execution. It will also disable plugins by default. (disabled by default) example: $ export PORTABLE_BUILD="true" NONBLOCK_JS_DIALOGS Enable non-blocking JavaScript dialogs from alert() prompt() and confirm() functions. They are shown inside page and are not blocking application window. However, due to synchronous API, there is a possible crash when closing browser windows with opened dialogs. If you can take this risk and/or make sure you aren't closing browser with opened dialogs, you may enable this option. These dialogs are much more beautiful than normal QDialogs. (disabled by default) example: $ export NONBLOCK_JS_DIALOGS="true" Windows specific defines: W7API Enable Windows 7 API support Requires linking against libraries from Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 2010 (enabled by default) Linux / Unix specific defines: NO_X11 Disable all X11 calls. Enable this when building for Wayland-only. All X11 calls are guarded by runtime X11 platform check even without this option. example: $ export NO_X11="true" USE_LIBPATH By default, /usr/lib/ is used for libFalkon and /usr/lib/falkon for plugins. You can change it by setting this define. example: $ export USE_LIBPATH="/usr/lib64" NO_SYSTEM_DATAPATH By default, Falkon is using /usr/share/falkon/ path for storing themes and translations. By setting this define, Falkon will use path of execution. (disabled by default) example: $ export NO_SYSTEM_DATAPATH="true" FALKON_PREFIX You can define different prefix. Falkon binary will then be moved to PREFIX/bin/, use PREFIX/share/falkon/ as datadir, PREFIX/share/applications for desktop launcher and PREFIX/share/pixmaps for icon. (default prefix is "/usr") example: $ export FALKON_PREFIX="/usr" SHARE_FOLDER You can define the path of the share folder, i.e. /usr/share Falkon will then use SHARE_FOLDER/falkon as datadir, SHARE_FOLDER/applications for desktop launcher and SHARE_FOLDER/pixmaps for the icon. By default it is not defined and files will be installed as described above. (default share folder is "/usr/share") example: $ export SHARE_FOLDER="/usr/share" DISABLE_DBUS Build without QtDBus module. Native desktop notifications will be disabled. example: $ export DISABLE_DBUS="true"