FAQ Q: Where are all my profile data stored? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: Go to Menu Help -> Informations about application and then scroll to Paths section. Q: I have bookmarked a page, the star icon is shining, but I cannot see the bookmark in Menu nor Bookmark Panel. Where is it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: When you add a bookmark from the star icon, it is automatically added to unsorted bookmarks folder. You will see it only in Library (Ctrl+Shift+O). You can move the bookmark to other folder in star icon or in Library. Q: I am getting a lot of SSL errors when visiting secured (https) pages. Why is that? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: Your system CA Certificates list is probably too small or even missing. You can check it in SSL Manager (Preferences -> Privacy -> SSL Manager). If this is your case, you have to download ca-bundle.crt file from https://github.com/nowrep/QupZilla/tree/master/other/ca-bundle.crt . It contains certificates from Debian's ca-certificates package and I am trying to update it as soon as it is updated in Debian repository. After downloading this file, you may put it into $yourprofile/certificates/ directory or in some other place, but then you have to add new certificate path in SSL Manager (last tab - settings). Q: I cannot save any bookmark and my history is empty. What to do? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: At first, please check that you have installed Qt SQLite plugin. On Debian, this package is called libqt4-sql-sqlite. If you have it installed and you are still experiencing this issue, please run QupZilla from terminal and read the output. If it contains something like QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record it seems that your profile database is broken. You can check it by some SQLite database viewer. If the database is empty, then you can recover it by copying Windows: Program Files/QupZilla/data/profiles/default/browsedata.db Unix: /usr/share/qupzilla/data/profiles/default/browsedata.db into your profile directory. If it doesn't help, please open an issue.