#!/bin/bash # # Generates list of all translations for qmake .pro and .qrc files # Plugins translations PLUGINS="`ls -d ../src/plugins/*/translations`" for dir in $PLUGINS do echo -e "$dir\n" echo "TRANSLATIONS += \\" for translation in $dir/*.ts do [[ "$translation" == *empty.ts ]] && continue echo " `echo $translation | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"}{printf "%s/%s",$5,$6}'` \\" done echo -e "\n" for translation in $dir/*.ts do [[ "$translation" == *empty.ts ]] && continue echo " locale/`echo $translation | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"}{print substr($6,0,length($6)-2)}'`.qm" done echo -e "\n\n" done # App translations echo -e "../translations\n" echo "TRANSLATIONS += \\" for translation in ../translations/*.ts do [[ "$translation" == *empty.ts ]] && continue echo " `echo $translation | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"}{printf "$$PWD/%s",$3}'` \\" done echo -e "\n\n"