/* ============================================================ * QupZilla - WebKit based browser * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 David Rosca * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * ============================================================ */ #include "history.h" #include "historymodel.h" #include "tabbedwebview.h" #include "qupzilla.h" #include "iconprovider.h" #include "settings.h" #include #include History::History(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) , m_isSaving(true) , m_model(0) { loadSettings(); } HistoryModel* History::model() { if (!m_model) { m_model = new HistoryModel(this); } return m_model; } void History::loadSettings() { Settings settings; settings.beginGroup("Web-Browser-Settings"); m_isSaving = settings.value("allowHistory", true).toBool(); settings.endGroup(); } // AddHistoryEntry void History::addHistoryEntry(WebView* view) { if (!m_isSaving || view->loadingError()) { return; } const QUrl url = view->url(); const QString title = view->title(); addHistoryEntry(url, title); } void History::addHistoryEntry(const QUrl &url, QString title) { if (!m_isSaving) { return; } if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("qupzilla") || url.scheme() == QLatin1String("about") || url.scheme() == QLatin1String("data") || url.isEmpty()) { return; } if (title.isEmpty()) { title = tr("No Named Page"); } QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT id, count, date, title FROM history WHERE url=?"); query.bindValue(0, url); query.exec(); if (!query.next()) { query.prepare("INSERT INTO history (count, date, url, title) VALUES (1,?,?,?)"); query.bindValue(0, QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()); query.bindValue(1, url); query.bindValue(2, title); query.exec(); int id = query.lastInsertId().toInt(); HistoryEntry entry; entry.id = id; entry.count = 1; entry.date = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); entry.url = url; entry.urlString = url.toEncoded(); entry.title = title; emit historyEntryAdded(entry); } else { int id = query.value(0).toInt(); int count = query.value(1).toInt(); QDateTime date = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(query.value(2).toLongLong()); QString oldTitle = query.value(3).toString(); query.prepare("UPDATE history SET count = count + 1, date=?, title=? WHERE url=?"); query.bindValue(0, QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()); query.bindValue(1, title); query.bindValue(2, url); query.exec(); HistoryEntry before; before.id = id; before.count = count; before.date = date; before.url = url; before.urlString = url.toEncoded(); before.title = oldTitle; HistoryEntry after = before; after.count = count + 1; after.date = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); after.title = title; emit historyEntryEdited(before, after); } } // DeleteHistoryEntry void History::deleteHistoryEntry(int index) { QList list; list.append(index); deleteHistoryEntry(list); } void History::deleteHistoryEntry(const QList &list) { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(); db.transaction(); foreach (int index, list) { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT count, date, url, title FROM history WHERE id=?"); query.addBindValue(index); query.exec(); query.next(); HistoryEntry entry; entry.id = index; entry.count = query.value(0).toInt(); entry.date = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(query.value(1).toLongLong()); entry.url = query.value(2).toUrl(); entry.urlString = entry.url.toEncoded(); entry.title = query.value(3).toString(); query.prepare("DELETE FROM history WHERE id=?"); query.addBindValue(index); query.exec(); query.prepare("DELETE FROM icons WHERE url=?"); query.addBindValue(entry.url.toEncoded(QUrl::RemoveFragment)); query.exec(); emit historyEntryDeleted(entry); } db.commit(); } void History::deleteHistoryEntry(const QString &url, const QString &title) { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT id FROM history WHERE url=? AND title=?"); query.bindValue(0, url); query.bindValue(1, title); query.exec(); if (query.next()) { int id = query.value(0).toInt(); deleteHistoryEntry(id); } } QList History::indexesFromTimeRange(qint64 start, qint64 end) { QList list; if (start < 0 || end < 0) { return list; } QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT id FROM history WHERE date BETWEEN ? AND ?"); query.addBindValue(end); query.addBindValue(start); query.exec(); while (query.next()) { list.append(query.value(0).toInt()); } return list; } bool History::urlIsStored(const QString &url) { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT id FROM history WHERE url=?"); query.bindValue(0, url); query.exec(); return query.next(); } QVector History::mostVisited(int count) { QVector list; QSqlQuery query; query.exec(QString("SELECT count, date, id, title, url FROM history ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT %1").arg(count)); while (query.next()) { HistoryEntry entry; entry.count = query.value(0).toInt(); entry.date = query.value(1).toDateTime(); entry.id = query.value(2).toInt(); entry.title = query.value(3).toString(); entry.url = query.value(4).toUrl(); list.append(entry); } return list; } bool History::optimizeHistory() { QSqlQuery query; return query.exec("VACUUM"); } bool History::clearHistory() { QSqlQuery query; if (query.exec("DELETE FROM history")) { emit resetHistory(); return true; } return false; } void History::setSaving(bool state) { m_isSaving = state; } bool History::isSaving() { return m_isSaving; } QString History::titleCaseLocalizedMonth(int month) { switch (month) { case 1: return tr("January"); case 2: return tr("February"); case 3: return tr("March"); case 4: return tr("April"); case 5: return tr("May"); case 6: return tr("June"); case 7: return tr("July"); case 8: return tr("August"); case 9: return tr("September"); case 10: return tr("October"); case 11: return tr("November"); case 12: return tr("December"); default: qWarning("Month number out of range!"); return QString(); } }