/* ============================================================ * QupZilla - WebKit based browser * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 David Rosca * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * ============================================================ */ #include "autofill.h" #include "browserwindow.h" #include "webpage.h" #include "sqldatabase.h" #include "tabbedwebview.h" #include "popupwebview.h" #include "mainapplication.h" #include "autofillnotification.h" #include "settings.h" #include "passwordmanager.h" #include "qztools.h" #include "scripts.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include AutoFill::AutoFill(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) , m_manager(new PasswordManager(this)) , m_isStoring(false) { loadSettings(); // Setup AutoFill userscript QWebEngineScript script; script.setName(QSL("_qupzilla_autofill")); script.setInjectionPoint(QWebEngineScript::DocumentReady); script.setWorldId(QWebEngineScript::MainWorld); script.setRunsOnSubFrames(true); script.setSourceCode(Scripts::setupFormObserver()); mApp->webProfile()->scripts()->insert(script); } PasswordManager* AutoFill::passwordManager() const { return m_manager; } void AutoFill::loadSettings() { Settings settings; settings.beginGroup("Web-Browser-Settings"); m_isStoring = settings.value("SavePasswordsOnSites", true).toBool(); settings.endGroup(); } bool AutoFill::isStored(const QUrl &url) { if (!isStoringEnabled(url)) { return false; } return !m_manager->getEntries(url).isEmpty(); } bool AutoFill::isStoringEnabled(const QUrl &url) { if (!m_isStoring) { return false; } QString server = url.host(); if (server.isEmpty()) { server = url.toString(); } QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT count(id) FROM autofill_exceptions WHERE server=?"); query.addBindValue(server); query.exec(); if (!query.next()) { return false; } return query.value(0).toInt() <= 0; } void AutoFill::blockStoringforUrl(const QUrl &url) { QString server = url.host(); if (server.isEmpty()) { server = url.toString(); } QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("INSERT INTO autofill_exceptions (server) VALUES (?)"); query.addBindValue(server); SqlDatabase::instance()->execAsync(query); } QVector AutoFill::getFormData(const QUrl &url) { return m_manager->getEntries(url); } QVector AutoFill::getAllFormData() { return m_manager->getAllEntries(); } void AutoFill::updateLastUsed(PasswordEntry &data) { m_manager->updateLastUsed(data); } // HTTP Authorization void AutoFill::addEntry(const QUrl &url, const QString &name, const QString &pass) { PasswordEntry entry; entry.host = PasswordManager::createHost(url); entry.username = name; entry.password = pass; m_manager->addEntry(entry); } // WEB Form void AutoFill::addEntry(const QUrl &url, const PageFormData &formData) { PasswordEntry entry; entry.host = PasswordManager::createHost(url); entry.username = formData.username; entry.password = formData.password; entry.data = formData.postData; m_manager->addEntry(entry); } // HTTP Authorization void AutoFill::updateEntry(const QUrl &url, const QString &name, const QString &pass) { PasswordEntry entry; entry.host = PasswordManager::createHost(url); entry.username = name; entry.password = pass; m_manager->updateEntry(entry); } // WEB Form bool AutoFill::updateEntry(const PasswordEntry &entry) { return m_manager->updateEntry(entry); } void AutoFill::removeEntry(const PasswordEntry &entry) { m_manager->removeEntry(entry); } void AutoFill::removeAllEntries() { m_manager->removeAllEntries(); } void AutoFill::saveForm(WebPage *page, const QUrl &frameUrl, const PageFormData &formData) { // Don't save in private browsing if (mApp->isPrivate() || !page) return; if (!isStoringEnabled(frameUrl)) return; PasswordEntry updateData; if (isStored(frameUrl)) { const QVector &list = getFormData(frameUrl); foreach (const PasswordEntry &data, list) { if (data.username == formData.username) { updateData = data; updateLastUsed(updateData); if (data.password == formData.password) { updateData.password.clear(); return; } updateData.username = formData.username; updateData.password = formData.password; updateData.data = formData.postData; break; } } } AutoFillNotification* aWidget = new AutoFillNotification(frameUrl, formData, updateData); page->view()->addNotification(aWidget); } // Returns all saved passwords on this page QVector AutoFill::completePage(QWebEnginePage *page, const QUrl &frameUrl) { QVector list; if (!page || !isStored(frameUrl)) return list; list = getFormData(frameUrl); if (!list.isEmpty()) { const PasswordEntry entry = list.first(); page->runJavaScript(Scripts::completeFormData(entry.data)); } return list; } QByteArray AutoFill::exportPasswords() { QByteArray output; QXmlStreamWriter stream(&output); stream.setCodec("UTF-8"); stream.setAutoFormatting(true); stream.writeStartDocument(); stream.writeStartElement("passwords"); stream.writeAttribute("version", "1.0"); QVector entries = m_manager->getAllEntries(); foreach (const PasswordEntry &entry, entries) { stream.writeStartElement("entry"); stream.writeTextElement("server", entry.host); stream.writeTextElement("username", entry.username); stream.writeTextElement("password", entry.password); stream.writeTextElement("data", entry.data); stream.writeEndElement(); } QSqlQuery query; query.exec("SELECT server FROM autofill_exceptions"); while (query.next()) { stream.writeStartElement("exception"); stream.writeTextElement("server", query.value(0).toString()); stream.writeEndElement(); } stream.writeEndElement(); stream.writeEndDocument(); return output; } bool AutoFill::importPasswords(const QByteArray &data) { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(); db.transaction(); QXmlStreamReader xml(data); while (!xml.atEnd()) { xml.readNext(); if (xml.isStartElement()) { if (xml.name() == QLatin1String("entry")) { PasswordEntry entry; while (xml.readNext()) { if (xml.name() == QLatin1String("server")) { entry.host = xml.readElementText(); } else if (xml.name() == QLatin1String("username")) { entry.username = xml.readElementText(); } else if (xml.name() == QLatin1String("password")) { entry.password = xml.readElementText(); } else if (xml.name() == QLatin1String("data")) { entry.data = xml.readElementText().toUtf8(); } if (xml.isEndElement() && xml.name() == QLatin1String("entry")) { break; } } if (entry.isValid()) { bool containsEntry = false; foreach (const PasswordEntry &e, m_manager->getEntries(QUrl(entry.host))) { if (e.username == entry.username) { containsEntry = true; break; } } if (!containsEntry) { m_manager->addEntry(entry); } } } else if (xml.name() == QLatin1String("exception")) { QString server; while (xml.readNext()) { if (xml.name() == QLatin1String("server")) { server = xml.readElementText(); } if (xml.isEndElement() && xml.name() == QLatin1String("exception")) { break; } } if (!server.isEmpty()) { QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT id FROM autofill_exceptions WHERE server=?"); query.addBindValue(server); query.exec(); if (!query.next()) { query.prepare("INSERT INTO autofill_exceptions (server) VALUES (?)"); query.addBindValue(server); query.exec(); } } } } } db.commit(); return !xml.hasError(); }