mirror of https://invent.kde.org/network/falkon.git synced 2024-09-23 10:42:11 +02:00
nowrep 722a79aef1 Fixed loading animation sometimes stopped while page still loading +
updated positioning of hovered link widget
Also when adblock is disabled, the statusbar icon is now clickable.
When running with different profile from command line argument, in
preferences will be showed real starting profile, not active.
2011-10-15 16:37:32 +02:00

251 lines
7.7 KiB

/* ============================================================
* QupZilla - WebKit based browser
* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 nowrep
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ============================================================ */
#ifndef QUPZILLA_H
#define QUPZILLA_H
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QMenuBar>
#include <QTranslator>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QWebView>
#include <QWebFrame>
#include <QWebHistory>
#include <QtNetwork/QtNetwork>
#include <QtSql/QtSql>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QFile>
#include <QMovie>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QStatusBar>
#include <QSplitter>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QProgressBar>
#include <QPrintPreviewDialog>
#include <QToolButton>
#include <QWebInspector>
#include <QPointer>
#include "qwebkitversion.h"
#include "webtab.h"
#include "webview.h"
#include "tabwidget.h"
#include "mainapplication.h"
#include "locationbar.h"
class TabWidget;
class WebView;
class LineEdit;
class SearchToolBar;
class BookmarksToolbar;
class AutoFillModel;
class MainApplication;
class WebTab;
class AdBlockIcon;
class SideBar;
class ProgressBar;
class StatusBarMessage;
class NavigationBar;
class ClickableLabel;
class WebInspectorDockWidget;
class QupZilla : public QMainWindow
static const QString VERSION;
static const QString BUILDTIME;
static const QString AUTHOR;
static const QString COPYRIGHT;
static const QString WWWADDRESS;
static const QString WIKIADDRESS;
static const QString WEBKITVERSION;
static const QIcon qupzillaIcon();
explicit QupZilla(bool m_tryRestore=true, QUrl startUrl=QUrl());
void refreshAddressBar();
void addBookmark(const QUrl &url, const QString &title, const QIcon &icon);
void installTranslator();
void loadSettings();
void showNavigationWithFullscreen();
inline WebView* weView() const { WebTab* webTab = qobject_cast<WebTab*>(m_tabWidget->widget(m_tabWidget->currentIndex())); if (!webTab) return 0; return webTab->view(); }
inline WebView* weView(int index) const { WebTab* webTab = qobject_cast<WebTab*>(m_tabWidget->widget(index)); if (!webTab) return 0; return webTab->view(); }
inline LocationBar* locationBar() { return (LocationBar*) m_tabWidget->locationBars()->currentWidget(); }
inline TabWidget* tabWidget() { return m_tabWidget; }
inline BookmarksToolbar* bookmarksToolbar() { return m_bookmarksToolbar; }
inline StatusBarMessage* statusBarMessage() { return m_statusBarMessage; }
inline NavigationBar* navigationBar() { return m_navigationBar; }
inline ProgressBar* progressBar(){ return m_progressBar; }
inline QString activeProfil(){ return m_activeProfil; }
inline QString activeLanguage(){ return m_activeLanguage; }
inline QLabel* ipLabel(){ return m_ipLabel; }
inline QColor menuTextColor() { return m_menuTextColor; }
inline QMenu* menuHelp() { return m_menuHelp; }
inline QAction* actionRestoreTab() { return m_actionRestoreTab; }
inline QMenu* superMenu() { return m_superMenu; }
void loadHistory();
void startingCompleted();
void message(MainApplication::MessageType mes, bool state);
void setWebViewMouseTracking(bool state);
public slots:
void setWindowTitle(const QString &t);
void showWebInspector();
void showBookmarksToolbar();
void loadActionUrl();
void loadActionUrlInNewTab();
void bookmarkPage();
void loadAddress(const QUrl &url);
void showSource(const QString& selectedHtml = "");
void showPageInfo();
void receiveMessage(MainApplication::MessageType mes, bool state);
private slots:
void postLaunch();
void goNext() { weView()->forward(); }
void goBack() { weView()->back(); }
void goHome() { loadAddress(m_homepage); }
void stop() { weView()->stop(); }
void reload() { weView()->reload(); }
void reloadByPassCache() { weView()->page()->triggerAction(QWebPage::ReloadAndBypassCache); }
void urlEnter();
void aboutQupZilla();
void addTab() { m_tabWidget->addView(QUrl(), tr("New tab"), TabWidget::NewTab, true); }
void printPage();
void savePageScreen();
void aboutToShowHistoryMenu(bool loadHistory = true);
void aboutToShowClosedTabsMenu();
void aboutToShowBookmarksMenu();
void aboutToShowToolsMenu();
void aboutToShowHelpMenu();
void aboutToShowViewMenu();
void aboutToShowEncodingMenu();
void searchOnPage();
void showCookieManager();
void showHistoryManager();
void showHistorySideBar();
void showBookmarksManager();
void showBookmarksSideBar();
void showRSSManager();
void showDownloadManager();
void showMenubar();
void showNavigationToolbar();
void showStatusbar();
void showClearPrivateData();
void showPreferences();
void refreshHistory();
void bookmarkAllTabs();
void newWindow() { mApp->makeNewWindow(false); }
void openLocation() { locationBar()->setFocus(); locationBar()->selectAll(); }
void openFile();
void savePage();
void sendLink() { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("mailto:?body="+weView()->url().toString())); }
void webSearch();
void copy() { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(weView()->selectedText()); }
void selectAll() { weView()->selectAll(); }
void zoomIn() { weView()->zoomIn(); }
void zoomOut() { weView()->zoomOut(); }
void zoomReset() { weView()->zoomReset(); }
void fullScreen(bool make);
void startPrivate(bool state);
void changeEncoding();
bool quitApp();
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event);
void setupUi();
void setupMenu();
void addSideBar();
bool m_tryRestore;
bool m_historyMenuChanged;
bool m_bookmarksMenuChanged;
QUrl m_startingUrl;
QUrl m_newtab;
QUrl m_homepage;
QVBoxLayout* m_mainLayout;
QSplitter* m_mainSplitter;
QMenu* m_superMenu;
QMenu* m_menuFile;
QMenu* m_menuEdit;
QMenu* m_menuTools;
QMenu* m_menuHelp;
QMenu* m_menuView;
QMenu* m_menuBookmarks;
QMenu* m_menuHistory;
QMenu* m_menuClosedTabs;
QMenu* m_menuEncoding;
QAction* m_actionShowToolbar;
QAction* m_actionShowBookmarksToolbar;
QAction* m_actionShowStatusbar;
QAction* m_actionShowMenubar;
QAction* m_actionShowFullScreen;
QAction* m_actionShowBookmarksSideBar;
QAction* m_actionShowHistorySideBar;
QAction* m_actionShowRssSideBar;
QAction* m_actionPrivateBrowsing;
QAction* m_actionStop;
QAction* m_actionReload;
QAction* m_actionRestoreTab;
QLabel* m_privateBrowsing;
AdBlockIcon* m_adblockIcon;
QPointer<WebInspectorDockWidget> m_webInspectorDock;
BookmarksToolbar* m_bookmarksToolbar;
TabWidget* m_tabWidget;
QPointer<SideBar> m_sideBar;
StatusBarMessage* m_statusBarMessage;
NavigationBar* m_navigationBar;
ProgressBar* m_progressBar;
QLabel* m_ipLabel;
QString m_activeProfil;
QString m_activeLanguage;
QColor m_menuTextColor;
//Used for F11 FullScreen remember visibility
//of menubar and statusbar
bool m_menuBarVisible;
bool m_statusBarVisible;
bool m_navigationVisible;
bool m_bookmarksToolBarVisible;
#endif // QUPZILLA_H