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2011-03-27 21:59:40 +02:00

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/* ============================================================
* QupZilla - WebKit based browser
* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 nowrep
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ============================================================ */
#ifndef QUPZILLA_H
#define QUPZILLA_H
//Comment for release building
//Check if i don't fuck anything
#ifdef QT_NO_DEBUG
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QMenuBar>
#include <QTranslator>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QWebView>
#include <QWebFrame>
#include <QWebHistory>
#include <QtNetwork/QtNetwork>
#include <QtSql/QtSql>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QFile>
#include <QMovie>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QStatusBar>
#include <QSplitter>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QProgressBar>
#include <QPrintPreviewDialog>
#include <QToolButton>
#include <QWebInspector>
#include <QPointer>
#include "qwebkitversion.h"
#include "webtab.h"
#include "webview.h"
#include "tabwidget.h"
#include "locationbar.h"
#include "mainapplication.h"
#include "websearchbar.h"
class TabWidget;
class WebView;
class LineEdit;
class LocationBar;
class SearchToolBar;
class WebSearchBar;
class BookmarksToolbar;
class AutoFillModel;
class MainApplication;
class WebTab;
class QupZilla : public QMainWindow
static const QString VERSION;
static const QString BUILDTIME;
static const QString AUTHOR;
static const QString COPYRIGHT;
static const QString WWWADDRESS;
static const QString WEBKITVERSION;
explicit QupZilla(bool m_tryRestore=true, QUrl startUrl=QUrl());
void refreshAddressBar();
void addBookmark(const QUrl &url, const QString &title);
void installTranslator();
void loadSettings();
void showInspector();
void setBackground(QColor textColor);
inline WebView* weView() const { WebTab* webTab = qobject_cast<WebTab*>(m_tabWidget->widget(m_tabWidget->currentIndex())); if (!webTab) return 0; return webTab->view(); }
inline WebView* weView(int index) const { WebTab* webTab = qobject_cast<WebTab*>(m_tabWidget->widget(index)); if (!webTab) return 0; return webTab->view(); }
inline LocationBar* locationBar(){ return m_locationBar; }
inline TabWidget* tabWidget(){ return m_tabWidget; }
inline BookmarksToolbar* bookmarksToolbar(){ return m_bookmarksToolbar; }
inline QAction* buttonStop(){ return m_buttonStop; }
inline QAction* buttonReload(){ return m_buttonReload; }
inline QProgressBar* progressBar(){ return m_progressBar; }
inline QToolBar* navigationToolbar(){ return m_navigation; }
inline QString activeProfil(){ return m_activeProfil; }
inline QString activeLanguage(){ return m_activeLanguage; }
inline QDockWidget* inspectorDock(){ return m_webInspectorDock; }
inline QLabel* ipLabel(){ return m_ipLabel; }
inline QColor menuTextColor() { return m_menuTextColor; }
inline QAction* acShowBookmarksToolbar() { return m_actionShowBookmarksToolbar; }
void loadHistory();
void startingCompleted();
void message(MainApplication::MessageType mes, bool state);
public slots:
void refreshHistory(int index=-1);
void loadActionUrl();
void bookmarkPage();
void loadAddress(QUrl url) { weView()->load(url); m_locationBar->setText(url.toEncoded()); }
void showSource();
void showPageInfo();
void receiveMessage(MainApplication::MessageType mes, bool state);
private slots:
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event);
void postLaunch();
void goAtHistoryIndex();
void goNext() { weView()->forward(); }
void goBack() { weView()->back(); }
void goHome() { loadAddress(m_homepage); }
void stop() { weView()->stop(); }
void reload() { weView()->reload(); }
void urlEnter();
void aboutQupZilla();
void addTab() { m_tabWidget->addView(QUrl(), tr("New tab"), TabWidget::NewTab, true); }
void printPage();
void aboutToShowHistoryBackMenu();
void aboutToShowHistoryNextMenu();
void aboutToShowHistoryMenu();
void aboutToShowBookmarksMenu();
void aboutToShowToolsMenu();
void aboutToShowHelpMenu();
void aboutToShowViewMenu();
void aboutToShowEncodingMenu();
void searchOnPage();
void showCookieManager();
void showHistoryManager();
void showBookmarksManager();
void showRSSManager();
void showDownloadManager();
void showMenubar();
void showNavigationToolbar();
void showBookmarksToolbar();
void showStatusbar();
void showClearPrivateData();
void showPreferences();
void bookmarkAllTabs();
void newWindow() { mApp->makeNewWindow(false); }
void openLocation() { m_locationBar->setFocus(); m_locationBar->selectAll(); }
void openFile();
void savePage();
void sendLink() { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("mailto:?body="+weView()->url().toString())); }
void webSearch() { m_searchLine->setFocus(); }
void copy() { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(weView()->selectedText()); }
void selectAll() { weView()->selectAll(); }
void reportBug() { m_tabWidget->addView(QUrl("http://qupzilla.ic.cz/bugzilla/?do=newtask&project=2")); }
void zoomIn() { weView()->zoomIn(); }
void zoomOut() { weView()->zoomOut(); }
void zoomReset() { weView()->zoomReset(); }
void fullScreen(bool make);
void startPrivate(bool state);
void changeEncoding();
bool quitApp();
void setupUi();
void setupMenu();
bool m_tryRestore;
QUrl m_startingUrl;
QUrl m_newtab;
QUrl m_homepage;
QToolButton* m_supMenu;
QMenu* m_superMenu;
QMenu* m_menuFile;
QMenu* m_menuEdit;
QMenu* m_menuTools;
QMenu* m_menuHelp;
QMenu* m_menuView;
QMenu* m_menuBookmarks;
QMenu* m_menuHistory;
QMenu* m_menuBack;
QMenu* m_menuForward;
QMenu* m_menuEncoding;
QAction* m_actionShowToolbar;
QAction* m_actionShowBookmarksToolbar;
QAction* m_actionShowStatusbar;
QAction* m_actionShowMenubar;
QAction* m_actionShowFullScreen;
QAction* m_actionPrivateBrowsing;
QAction* m_actionStop;
QAction* m_actionReload;
QLabel* m_privateBrowsing;
ClickableLabel* m_adblockIcon;
QPointer<QWebInspector> m_webInspector;
QPointer<QDockWidget> m_webInspectorDock;
WebSearchBar* m_searchLine;
SearchToolBar* m_webSearchToolbar;
BookmarksToolbar* m_bookmarksToolbar;
LocationBar* m_locationBar;
TabWidget* m_tabWidget;
QSplitter* m_navigationSplitter;
QAction* m_buttonBack;
QAction* m_buttonNext;
QAction* m_buttonHome;
QAction* m_buttonStop;
QAction* m_buttonReload;
QAction* m_actionExitFullscreen;
QProgressBar* m_progressBar;
QLabel* m_ipLabel;
QToolBar* m_navigation;
QString m_activeProfil;
QString m_activeLanguage;
QColor m_menuTextColor;
//Used for F11 FullScreen remember visibility
//of menubar and statusbar
bool m_menuBarVisible;
bool m_statusBarVisible;
#endif // QUPZILLA_H