mirror of https://invent.kde.org/network/falkon.git synced 2024-09-21 17:52:10 +02:00

Added translation files for translating homepage.

- you can find them under /translations/homepage
This commit is contained in:
nowrep 2012-01-07 10:26:52 +01:00
parent e05cb9b835
commit 2b82d486d0
7 changed files with 221 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -35,12 +35,14 @@ BookmarksWidget::BookmarksWidget(int bookmarkId, QWidget* parent)
m_bookmarksModel = mApp->bookmarksModel();
#ifndef KDE
// Use light color for QLabels even with Ubuntu Ambiance theme
QPalette pal = palette();
pal.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, QToolTip::palette().color(QPalette::ToolTipText));
void BookmarksWidget::loadBookmark()

View File

@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ void ClickToFlash::findElement()
if (!hitElement.isNull() && (hitElement.tagName().compare("embed", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ||
hitElement.tagName().compare("object", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ) ) {
hitElement.tagName().compare("object", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)) {
m_element = hitElement;

View File

@ -29,13 +29,15 @@ RSSWidget::RSSWidget(WebView* view, QWidget* parent)
QWebFrame* frame = m_view->page()->mainFrame();
QWebElementCollection links = frame->findAllElements("link[type=\"application/rss+xml\"]");
#ifndef KDE
// Use light color for QLabels even with Ubuntu Ambiance theme
QPalette pal = palette();
pal.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, QToolTip::palette().color(QPalette::ToolTipText));
QWebFrame* frame = m_view->page()->mainFrame();
QWebElementCollection links = frame->findAllElements("link[type=\"application/rss+xml\"]");
for (int i = 0; i < links.count(); i++) {
QWebElement element = links.at(i);
@ -54,7 +56,9 @@ RSSWidget::RSSWidget(WebView* view, QWidget* parent)
QLabel* label = new QLabel(this);
#ifndef KDE
ui->gridLayout->addWidget(label, i, 0);
ui->gridLayout->addWidget(button, i, 1);

View File

@ -72,11 +72,13 @@ SiteInfoWidget::SiteInfoWidget(QupZilla* mainClass, QWidget* parent)
connect(ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), p_QupZilla, SLOT(showPageInfo()));
#ifndef KDE
// Use light color for QLabels even with Ubuntu Ambiance theme
QPalette pal = palette();
pal.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, QToolTip::palette().color(QPalette::ToolTipText));
void SiteInfoWidget::showAt(QWidget* _parent)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// Header + Footer
$site_title = "QupZilla - Lehký multiplatformní prohlížeč";
$qupzilla = "QupZilla";
$header_description = "Webový prohlížeč";
$menu_home = "Domů";
$menu_screenshots = "Screenshoty";
$menu_download = "Download";
$menu_reportbug = "Nahlásit chybu";
$menu_about = "Zapojte se";
$footer_site = "www.qupzilla.com";
//Home Page
$actual_version = "Aktuální verze";
$actual_version_text = "Aktuální verze QupZilly je z ". $qupzilla_version_date .
" jedná se o verzi " . $qupzilla_version . ". Změny lze nalézt v changelogu. <br/><br/>Neváhejte a <a href=\"download\">stahujte</a> ještě dnes!";
$actual_version_button = "DOWNLOAD";
$older_versions = "Changelog";
$older_versions_text = "Zajímá Vás co nového se stalo od této verze po tuto? <br/><br/>Kompletní <a>changelogu</a> všech verzí lze nalézt na githubu!";
$older_versions_button = "Changelog";
$reportbug = "Nahlásit chybu";
$reportbug_text = "Pokud jste našli chybu nebo máte pouze nápad jak <a>vylepšit</a>
QupZillu, právě toto místo je pro Vás!<br/> Váš nápad, připomínka, bug se
bude řešit co nejdříve to bude možné!";
$reportbug_button = "Nahlásit";
$technology = "Technologie";
$technology_text = "QupZilla je moderní webový prohlížeč založený na jádře WebKitu a multiplatformním
frameworku Qt. WebKit zaručí <a>rychlé</a> zobrazení stránek a Qt funkčnost na všech
majoritních platformách.";
$technology_button = "WebKit &amp; Qt";
$looknfeel_header = "Nativní vzhled";
$looknfeel_text = "QupZilla používá nativní styl widgetů na většině Linuxových desktopových prostředí. Také používá ikony z aktivní desktopové sady ikon. Pokud Vám přijde nativní vzhled příliš nudný nebo s ním máte nějaké problémy, vždy je možnost změnit téma aplikace.";
$library_header = "Společná knihovna";
$library_text = "QupZilla sjednocuje záložky, historii a rss čtečku do jednoho přehledného okna. Už nikdy více oken, QupZilla používá pouze jedno!<br/>
S integrovanou čtečkou rss kanálů můžete být informován aktualitami z Vašich oblíbených stránek. QupZilla také zvládne importovat záložky z jiných prohlížečů.";
$adblock_header = "Integrovaný AdBlock";
$adblock_text = "Také nenávidíte stránky plné reklam? Zbytečně Vás zdržují při načítání stránek? Jediná věc kterou musíte s QupZillou udělat, je aktualizovat EasyList nebo přidat Vašee vlastní pravidla a můžete surfovat bez reklam.";
$speeddial_header = "Rychlý přístup";
$speeddial_text = "Tento populární doplněk je konečně dostupný i pro uživatele QupZilly! Nyní máte rychlý přístup k oblíbeným záložkám na jediné stránce. Samozřejmostí je plná podpora řazení přetažením a načítání náhledů stránek.";
$devnews_header = "Vývojové novinky";
$feed_loading = "Načítám...";
// Download Page
$other_linux = "Ostatní Linux";
$source_code = "Zdrojový kód";
$choose_os = "Zvolte prosím operační systém";
$windows_text = "32bit a 64bit Windows instalátor lze stáhnout kliknutím na odkazy níže";
$ubuntu_text = "Oneiric, Natty a Maverick uživatelé mohou nainstalovat QupZillu zadáním těchto příkazů";
$for_development_version = "pro vývojovou verzi:";
$packages_text = "32bit a 64bit balíčky";
$tarballs_text = "32bit a 64bit předkompilované tarbally";
$can_be_downloaded = "lze stáhnout kliknutím na odkazy dole";
$source_text = "Zdrojový kód můžete získat klonováním repositáře (pokud máte nainstalovaný git)";
$source_text2 = "Můžete se také podívat na zdrojový kód online nebo ho stáhnout v zip archivu";
$view_source = "zobrazit kód na github.com";
$download_snapshot = "stáhnout aktuální zdrojový kód";
// Contribute Page
$contribute_to = "Přispět do QupZilly";
$contribute_text = "QupZilla je open source projekt, Vaše pomoc je tedy vítána! Velmi rád zahrnu patche, které mi pošlete. Úprava zdrojových kódů však není jediný způsob jak pomoci, můžete přeložit QupZillu do Vašeho jazyku nebo se pouze podělit se svými přáteli. Každé, i malé, pomoci si velmi cením!";
$getting_source = "Získání zdrojového kódu";
$getting_source_text1 = "Nejjednodušší způsob jak získat zdrojový kód QupZilly je klonovat repozitář z githubu. Stačí spustit tento příkaz";
$getting_source_text2 = "a můžete se pustit do vývoje. Vaše patche mi můžete posílat e-mailem nebo přímo na githubu.";
$translating = "Překlad do jiných jazyků";
$translating_text = "Další způsob jak přispět je přidat nebo upravit stávající překlady. Pokud chcete přidat dosud neobsažený překlad, můžete si buď vygenerovat překladový soubor, nebo mne kontaktovat a já to udělám za Vás. Vaše překlady mi opět můžete posílat e-maile nebo na githubu.";
$translating_moreinfo = "Více informací o překládání <a href='https://github.com/nowrep/QupZilla/wiki/Translating'>zde</a> [wiki na githubu]";
$share_with_friends = "Sdílet s přáteli!";
$share_with_friends_text = "Máte rádi QupZillu? Sdílejte ji tedy s Vašimi přáteli!"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
// Header + Footer
$site_title = "QupZilla - Lightweight multiplatform browser";
$qupzilla = "QupZilla";
$header_description = "Web Browser";
$menu_home = "Home";
$menu_screenshots = "Screenshots";
$menu_download = "Download";
$menu_reportbug = "Report Issue";
$menu_about = "Contribute";
$footer_site = "www.qupzilla.com";
//Home Page
$actual_version = "Current Version";
$actual_version_text = "Current version is from ". $qupzilla_version_date .
" and it is version " . $qupzilla_version . ". Changes in changelog. <br/>Don't hesitate and <a href=\"download\">download</a> it right now!";
$actual_version_button = "DOWNLOAD";
$older_versions = "Changelog";
$older_versions_text = "You ever wanted to know what happened from that version to this? <br/>You can find everything in <a>changelog</a> at github!";
$older_versions_button = "Changelog";
$reportbug = "Report Issue";
$reportbug_text = "Did you found some bug or you only have a suggestion how to <a>improve</a> QupZilla?<br/>
Please open an issue at github issue tracker.";
$reportbug_button = "Report now";
$technology = "Technology";
$technology_text = "QupZilla is modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. WebKit guarante <a>fast</a>
browsing and Qt availability on all major platforms.";
$technology_button = "WebKit &amp; Qt";
$looknfeel_header = "Native look'n'feel";
$looknfeel_text = "QupZilla is using native widgets style on major Linux Desktop Environments. It is also using icons from active desktop icon theme. If you find native theme too boring or have some problems with it, you can always switch to other themes.";
$library_header = "Unified Library";
$library_text = "QupZilla unifies bookmarks, history and rss reader in one well-arranged window. No more multiple windows, QupZilla uses just one!<br/>
With integrated rss reader, you can stay up to date with your favourite sites. QupZilla can also import bookmarks from other browsers.";
$adblock_header = "Integrated AdBlock";
$adblock_text = "Are you bored of websited full of advertisements? Are they eating your bandwidth and time? The only thing you need with QupZilla is to update EasyList or maybe add your own rules and start browsing ad free.";
$speeddial_header = "Speed Dial";
$speeddial_text = "This popular extension is finally available for QupZilla users! You can now access your favourite pages as fast as you want on one page opened in new tab. Needless to say that it fully supports drag&amp;drop and page thumbnail loading.";
$devnews_header = "Development News";
$feed_loading = "Loading...";
// Download Page
$other_linux = "Other Linux";
$source_code = "Source Code";
$choose_os = "Please choose your operating system";
$windows_text = "32bit and 64bit Windows installers can be downloaded by clicking on links bellow";
$ubuntu_text = "Oneiric, Natty and Maverick users can install QupZilla by running these commands";
$for_development_version = "for development version:";
$packages_text = "32bit and 64bit packages";
$tarballs_text = "32bit and 64bit precompiled tarballs";
$can_be_downloaded = "can be downloaded by clicking on links bellow";
$source_text = "You can get source code by cloning repository (if you have git installed)";
$source_text2 = "You can also view it online and download it in zip archive";
$view_source = "view source on github.com";
$download_snapshot = "download current snapshot";
// Contribute Page
$contribute_to = "Contribute to QupZilla";
$contribute_text = "QupZilla is open source project, so your help is very welcome! I will be very happy to include patches you send me. But hacking into
code is not the only one way to help, you can translate QupZilla to your language or just share it with your friends. Remember, every (even small) help is highly appreciated!";
$getting_source = "Getting Source";
$getting_source_text1 = "The easiest way you can get QupZilla source is to clone it from github repository. You can do it by running this command";
$getting_source_text2 = "and then you can start hacking. You cand send me your patches by e-mail or at github.";
$translating = "Translating into other languages";
$translating_text = "Another way how to contribute is to add or improve current translation. If you want add new language, you can generate new translations file manually, or you can contact me, and I will do it for you. You cand send me your translations again by e-mail or at github.";
$translating_moreinfo = "More informations about translating <a href='https://github.com/nowrep/QupZilla/wiki/Translating'>here</a> [wiki at github]";
$share_with_friends = "Share with Friends!";
$share_with_friends_text = "Do you like QupZilla? Then share it amongst your friends!"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// Header + Footer
$site_title = "QupZilla - Lightweight multiplatform browser";
$qupzilla = "QupZilla";
$header_description = "Web Browser";
$menu_home = "Home";
$menu_screenshots = "Screenshots";
$menu_download = "Download";
$menu_reportbug = "Report Issue";
$menu_about = "Contribute";
$footer_site = "QupZilla.com";
//Home Page
$actual_version = "Current Version";
$actual_version_text = "Current version is from ". $qupzilla_version_date .
" and it is version " . $qupzilla_version . ". Changes in changelog. <br/>Don't hesitate and <a href=\"download\">download</a> it right now!";
$actual_version_button = "DOWNLOAD";
$older_versions = "Changelog";
$older_versions_text = "You ever wanted to know what happened from that version to this? <br/>You can find everything in <a>changelog</a> at github!";
$older_versions_button = "Changelog";
$reportbug = "Report Issue";
$reportbug_text = "Did you found some bug or you only have a suggestion how to <a>improve</a> QupZilla?<br/>
Please open an issue at github issue tracker.";
$reportbug_button = "Report now";
$technology = "Technology";
$technology_text = "QupZilla is modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. WebKit guarante <a>fast</a>
browsing and Qt availability on all major platforms.";
$technology_button = "WebKit &amp; Qt";
$looknfeel_header = "Native look'n'feel";
$looknfeel_text = "QupZilla is using native widgets style on major Linux Desktop Environments. It is also using icons from active desktop icon theme. If you find native theme too boring or have some problems with it, you can always switch to other themes.";
$library_header = "Unified Library";
$library_text = "QupZilla unifies bookmarks, history and rss reader in one well-arranged window. No more multiple windows, QupZilla uses just one!<br/>
With integrated rss reader, you can stay up to date with your favourite sites. QupZilla can also import bookmarks from other browsers.";
$adblock_header = "Integrated AdBlock";
$adblock_text = "Are you bored of websited full of advertisements? Are they eating your bandwidth and time? The only thing you need with QupZilla is to update EasyList or maybe add your own rules and start browsing ad free.";
$speeddial_header = "Speed Dial";
$speeddial_text = "This popular extension is finally available for QupZilla users! You can now access your favourite pages as fast as you want on one page opened in new tab. Needless to say that it fully supports drag&amp;drop and page thumbnail loading.";
$devnews_header = "Development News";
$feed_loading = "Loading...";
// Download Page
$other_linux = "Other Linux";
$source_code = "Source Code";
$choose_os = "Please choose your operating system";
$windows_text = "32bit and 64bit Windows installers can be downloaded by clicking on links bellow";
$ubuntu_text = "Oneiric, Natty and Maverick users can install QupZilla by running these commands";
$for_development_version = "for development version:";
$packages_text = "32bit and 64bit packages";
$tarballs_text = "32bit and 64bit precompiled tarballs";
$can_be_downloaded = "can be downloaded by clicking on links bellow";
$source_text = "You can get source code by cloning repository (if you have git installed)";
$view_source = "view source on github.com";
$download_snapshot = "download current snapshot";
// Contribute Page
$contribute_to = "Contribute to QupZilla";
$contribute_text = "QupZilla is open source project, so your help is very welcome! I will be very happy to include patches you send me. But hacking into
code is not the only one way to help, you can translate QupZilla to your language or just share it with your friends. Remember, every (even small) help is highly appreciated!";
$getting_source = "Getting Source";
$getting_source_text1 = "The easiest way you can get QupZilla source is to clone it from github repository. You can do it by running this command";
$getting_source_text2 = "and then you can start hacking. You cand send me your patches by e-mail or at github.";
$translating = "Translating into other languages";
$translating_text = "Another way how to contribute is to add or improve current translation. If you want add new language, you can generate new translations file manually, or you can contact me, and I will do it for you. You cand send me your translations again by e-mail or at github.";
$translating_moreinfo = "More informations about translating <a href='https://github.com/nowrep/QupZilla/wiki/Translating'>here</a> [wiki at github]";
$share_with_friends = "Share with Friends!";
$share_with_friends_text = "Do you like QupZilla? Then share it amongst your friends!"