- including some web applications (Google Reader, My AOL, Yahoo! ...)
- Liferea and Akregator are support from desktop readers
* akregator needs testing (i don't use kde)
- you can add subscriptions in AdBlock dialog or with
abp: scheme links
- however, AdBlock rules are not yet optimized for performance
so you shouldn't add too much subscriptions
performance optimizations will come in next commits
- support for element hiding is still yet to come too
- much faster history loading (loading history entries only when
needed - eg. expanding top level items)
- less memory usage (sidebar and manager are using the same model)
- searching is now performed on title and url
- clear private data -> clear history is now working properly
- when leaving web widget, QWebPagePrivate generates fake
mouse move event, but unfortunately with bad coordinates.
So sometimes it just hovered a link and the link's url got
stuck in status bar message.