All actions are now saved in QHash with name, this will make possible
to implement own keyboard shortcuts for actions.
+ WIP cleanup of BrowserWindow class
Code was formatted with patched astyle that correctly formats
foreach macro.
Normalize tool is now used to normalize all signal/slots signatures
to normalized format. It saves few reallocations on connections.
When writing eg. mail on gmail, you can make text bold,
underline and italic with Ctrl+U/B/I shortcuts.
It will now correctly process the web action instead
of showing bookmarks sidebar, source of page and page info.
Shortcut for bookmarks sidebar has been change to Ctrl+Shift+B
- much faster history loading (loading history entries only when
needed - eg. expanding top level items)
- less memory usage (sidebar and manager are using the same model)
- searching is now performed on title and url
- clear private data -> clear history is now working properly