- web inspector is now crash free with every QtWebKit version
- issue when changing tabs / virtual desktops that web inspector
was re-initializing itself is now fixed
* inspector was flashing
* inspector restored its state to first tab (Elements)
- inspector is now shown in dock widget again in windows
* no longer cause problems with Qt 4.8
- also fixed image refreshion in speed dial
(when you refresh page thumbnail, new image was created but the image
in page won't change until reload. it is because page caching.
fixed by appending date to image url: file://foo.png?Date)
- html highlighter is now highlighting with reg exps, no more with hard
coded tags/tag options
- all cppecheck warnings fixed + added script (cppcheck.sh)
- introduced coding style + added astyle script (coding_style.sh)
- fixed one mistake in czech translate + updated windows installer
When you show Web Inspector panel, it will be open only for actual tab.
So when you change tab, the web inspector panel will hide, and if you go
back to tab with open web inspector, inspector will show.